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A Feng Shui bedroom:installation tips

A Feng Shui bedroom:installation tips

Based on Feng Shui, the bedroom is one of the focal points of any home. This is the space for rest, sleep and the most intimate moments for a couple.

Therefore, it is imperative that harmony and balance be present in the bedroom. This allows energy to flow while creating well-being and peace for the inhabitants of the room.

This will only be possible if all the elements of the space and the furniture are chosen and placed in a specific way.

The principles of Feng Shui

In Feng Shui, as with life in general, certain elements or areas should take precedence over others. This is also the case with Feng Shui for your home, especially the bedroom. If positive energy (chi) is gathered from outside and flows into your home space, you will be able to attract money and opportunities. Most people spend a third of their life in the bedroom. It is a real space to heal, rejuvenate and generate health and vitality. The bed is strongly linked to the person. Sleep is a Yin condition.

When assessing this space, you should not only think about how the chi enters the room, but also how it is received by the bed. To do this, you must place the bed in a position of control or command. Your room should be square or rectangular, which represents stability. It is also a factor that makes your bedroom a suitable space for sleeping. Avoid any environment that is round, L-shaped, triangular, or other odd shapes that do not allow for a balanced flow of chi. Your room should then be a true sanctuary of peace.

Tips for having a Feng Shui bedroom

Banish televisions, computers or electronic equipment from the bedroom. The good Feng Shui energy in your bedroom is destroyed when these elements are present. In addition to creating high radiation, dangerous to your health, they also bring energy from work, stress, and are mainly distractions and sources of bad news for a good relationship whether it is with yourself or your spouse ( e).

Open the windows to fill up with oxygen

Open the windows or use an air purifier in your bedroom to fill up with oxygen because the quality of the air there is essential. You cannot have good Feng Shui if the air you breathe is stale and full of pollutants. Please note that plants in the bedroom are not conducive to Feng Shui unless your bedroom is large enough and the plants are located away from the bed.

Besides, essential oils can also help you purify the air in your bedroom. However, be sure to choose real essential oils, which have healing properties and not scented oils which are toxic.

The 3 basic Feng Shui guidelines for your bed

  • Have a bed easily accessible from both sides
  • Have two bedside tables, one on each side of the bed
  • Avoid having the bed directly in line with the door

The aesthetics and balance of the bed in relation to the bedroom are very important in creating a Feng Shui bedroom. A good mattress, a strong and good quality headboard made for example of natural fibers are also very important in creating a harmonious Feng Shui energy.

Choose bedroom decoration for a good Feng Shui balance

A Feng Shui bedroom:installation tips

A bedroom with Feng Shui decor is a bedroom with a balanced decor promoting the best flow of energy for restful sleep, as well as healing. The best colors for a Feng Shui bedroom are what are called "skin colors", which range from pale white to chocolate brown. Then choose colors from this range that will work best for your bedroom decor.

Image carries powerful energy, so if you choose to decorate your room with paintings or other photos and artwork, consider choosing images that you want to see happen in your life. Then opt for images with a nourishing, happy and beautiful energy. Unless you like being sad and lonely, ban images of loneliness and sadness. The best images for the bedroom are those related to the emotions of love, happy relationships, body healing and intimacy.

A decoration related to the earth

The decorative elements of the bedroom will be those associated with the earth, as they provide stability and harmony to the bedroom. These include images or illustrations of mountain or field landscapes, clay pottery, candlesticks, vases, square or cubic shaped objects, rugs, etc.

Having multiple levels of lighting in your bedroom

Having good, appropriate lighting is very important, but you can also use a dimmer to adjust the energy accordingly. Indeed, light is a nutrient for well-being, but also one of the strongest manifestations of energy. Candles are the best lighting for Feng Shui bedrooms because they not only purify the energy in the bedroom, but also create a very intimate, warm and healing atmosphere. When buying candles, make sure your candles are free of toxins.

Keep all doors closed at night

Whether it's the closet doors, the bathroom door, or the bedroom door, keeping the doors closed allows for a better, more nourishing flow of energy to support your health, as well as the health of your relationship. Keep your closet, walk-in closet or wardrobe neat and organized. This will further create a sense of peace and calm in your room. Understand the interplay between the doors and windows in your bedroom and make sure the energy is not leaking out of yours, but nurturing and strengthening your haven.

For those who love mirrors in bedrooms

If you are considering placing mirrors in your bedroom, you should know that feng shui suggests not putting them, as they tend to bounce energy. You can then hide them inside cupboard doors. So you can use them only when you need them.