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15 Baby Baking Uses (Every Mom Should Know).

15 Baby Baking Uses (Every Mom Should Know).

The use of baking soda for babies is misunderstood.

And that's a shame, because it's super useful for babies and their parents!

We know that baking soda is an indispensable multi-use product at home.

It must be said that it is natural, super effective and downright economical.

It's very simple, we can't live without it!

But did you know that it is just as essential for babies and children as well?

Here are 15 uses of baking soda that no one knows about babies, children and their parents. Watch:

15 Baby Baking Uses (Every Mom Should Know).

1. Cleans and deodorizes baby bottles

15 Baby Baking Uses (Every Mom Should Know).

You have noticed ? We can clean baby's bottles...

Often there is a sour milk smell in the bottle.

To completely eliminate milk odors from baby bottles, it is best to use baking soda.

To do this, put 1 liter of hot water in a clean basin.

Add 4 tablespoons of baking soda.

Soak bottles, pacifiers and rings in it overnight.

Then wash them in hot water with a little dish soap. Let it dry.

All that remains is to use them as usual.

And if ever there is residue stuck to the bottom of the bottle, try this effective trick to remove them.

2. Eliminates odors from the diaper pail

15 Baby Baking Uses (Every Mom Should Know).

Cloth diapers or disposable diapers... They have one thing in common:they smell very bad!

To deodorize the diaper bin , sprinkle them regularly with a generous layer of baking soda.

Bicarbonate does not damage disposable diapers.

But on the other hand it absorbs pestilential odors.

This allows you to wait for the next cloth diaper wash (or empty the trash) without dying of suffocation from the foul smell of dirty diapers!

3. Prevents diaper rash

15 Baby Baking Uses (Every Mom Should Know).

Diaper rash is a very common problem in babies...

But it is no less unpleasant and painful for the little ones.

So, you might as well avoid it if you can!

The culprit is urine.

It attacks the delicate skin of babies, especially at night, when it is in prolonged contact with baby's bottom.

To avoid this irritation, you can sprinkle the layer with baking soda.

Not only does it protect the epidermis baby, but in addition it prevents bad smells .

4. Relieves diaper rash

15 Baby Baking Uses (Every Mom Should Know).

Baby has red and irritated buttocks?

If the red patches have already appeared, there is an effective grandmother's remedy to relieve baby.

Just give him a bath with baking soda, as explained here.

A teaspoon in the bath water is enough.

With its alkaline pH, bicarbonate soothes pain and cleanses the skin by restoring the skin's balance.

If it doesn't improve very quickly, see a doctor, because diaper rash is painful for baby.

5. Cleans baby clothes thoroughly

15 Baby Baking Uses (Every Mom Should Know).

Bicarbonate helps to clean baby clothes in depth, without using chemicals.

As baby's skin is very fragile and sensitive, it's always better.

If your water is hard, baking soda is a big help.

Just add a tablespoon of baking soda (15 g), in the detergent drawer, with each wash.

And the laundry comes out softer and fresher, without Soupline!

Baking soda softens linen by lowering the pH of the water and naturally making it softer.

It's all the more interesting that it is merciless with certain particularly stubborn stains:pee, poo, vomit...

You know all those little gifts that babies usually leave us!

In short, baking soda is a miracle product for baby clothes.

6. Clean the toys

15 Baby Baking Uses (Every Mom Should Know).

Cleaning baby's toys is a real chore...

But you have to do it regularly, because baby puts everything in his mouth!

Fortunately, there is a simple and effective trick to wash and disinfect baby's toys easily.

You guessed it... It's the baking soda!

The advantage is that it is effective and natural. No toxic product in baby's mouth!

To do this, simply soak the toys in a basin of water with 2 tablespoons of baking soda.

Rub them a little and rinse.

And voila ! Find out how to do it here.

7. Sanitizes fluff

15 Baby Baking Uses (Every Mom Should Know).

Some stuffed animals are not suitable for the washing machine.

It's very annoying, because they get dirty like the others and end up smelling bad.

Luckily there is baking soda!

This little magic powder gives them a cleanse and deodorizes ... without putting them in the washing machine.

To sanitize them, put them in a plastic bag and add baking soda.

Shake so that the plush is well impregnated and leave to act for at least an hour.

To finish cleaning, take it out and brush it well before giving it back to your toddler.

Find out how here.

8. Makes the drawings on the walls disappear

15 Baby Baking Uses (Every Mom Should Know).

Did your toddler think he was an artist and painted the walls with pencil strokes?

Don't panic!

Before thinking about repainting your room, try this effective trick to erase the traces .

Sprinkle a damp sponge with baking soda and wipe it over your child's artwork.

Bicarbonate is slightly abrasive.

This is what will allow the drawings to be removed without attacking the paint on the wall.

If streaks remain, try this trick with toothpaste.

9. For a little baby wash after the meal

15 Baby Baking Uses (Every Mom Should Know).

When baby eats, he gets it all over the place. A real carnage!

So to avoid lingering the smell of broccoli puree all day long, a bit of a wash is in order.

Put a tiny bit of baking soda on a damp glove.

And wipe it over baby's mouth, face, hands and clothes after feeding.

10. Eliminates cradle cap

15 Baby Baking Uses (Every Mom Should Know).

Most babies have cradle cap on their scalp.

It's not bad at all, but it's not very pretty.

To remove them, you can make a paste with baking soda.

It is a gentle exfoliant that helps get rid of those scabs .

For this, mix a little baking soda with baby oil.

Apply the paste to the baby's scalp and rub very gently, as if for a massage.

The milk crusts crumble as you go.

Then rinse baby's hair.

You can also try this remedy with sweet almond oil.

11. Cleans the crib

15 Baby Baking Uses (Every Mom Should Know).

The baby's bed is a bit like his kingdom!

He spends quite a bit of time in it and gets dirty quickly.

No question of leaving dust or dirt where baby sleeps!

But how do you clean it without using chemicals? With baking soda!

You clean, degrease, purify and deodorize your child's bed with a sponge sprinkled with baking soda.

Easy and convenient! Here's how.

12. Cleans baby's mattress

15 Baby Baking Uses (Every Mom Should Know).

Even when the mattress does not suffer from accidents (vomit, pee or poop that overflows from the diaper...), it must be cleaned regularly.

Why ? Because it prevents the proliferation of dust mites.

And it is often these tiny critters that are responsible for many allergies.

To clean and sanitize the mattress of baby, sprinkle baking soda over the entire surface.

Leave on for 4 hours and vacuum.

Finally, it's the same thing as cleaning the adult mattress!

Know that if there is carpet or a rug in the baby's room, you can do the same.

Don't worry, there is no risk for your child. It's 100% natural.

13. Treats thrush

15 Baby Baking Uses (Every Mom Should Know).

Thrush is a common disease in babies.

It is caused by a fairly common yeast, candida albicans. And milk promotes its development, as it maintains an acidic environment.

And you guessed it...

Bicarbonate with its alkaline pH helps to eliminate this mycosis .

To do this, boil 150 ml of water and add 1 teaspoon of baking soda.

Mix and let cool. Then moisten a cotton swab or a sterile compress with this mixture.

And put it in baby's mouth.

Attention, we draw your attention to one point. Baby must not be able to swallow a piece of cotton or compress.

Check that the cotton is well attached to the rod and that the compress is large enough so that baby does not swallow it.

You must repeat this gesture after each feeding.

But don't wait to see a doctor.

This home treatment does not replace a consultation or medication prescribed by the pediatrician.

14. Removes pesticides from vegetables for baby compotes

15 Baby Baking Uses (Every Mom Should Know).

Do you prepare baby purees and compotes yourself?

Then this tip for cleaning fruits and vegetables will interest you.

By washing fruits and vegetables with baking soda, you remove as much dirt and pesticides as possible.

To do this, you can first rinse them with water and then soak them in a basin of water with baking soda for 15 minutes.

Then rinse them with clear water.

Know that there are 2 tablespoons of baking soda for 2 glasses of water.

You can also rub fruits and vegetables directly with baking soda, before rinsing them.

This is a great tip to remember also for all pregnant women.

Because washing fruits and vegetables well is essential to fight against toxoplasmosis...

Especially for all future moms who are not immune!

15. Heals irritated nipples

15 Baby Baking Uses (Every Mom Should Know).

You probably know this grandmother's remedy with liniment to treat nipples irritated by feedings.

But do you know this natural remedy with baking soda?

To treat chapping and irritation, apply a compress soaked in bicarbonate water to the nipples after breastfeeding.

For this, boil a glass of water and add 1 tablespoon of baking soda (15 g).

Leave to cool.

Moisten the sterile compress with this mixture and gently apply it to the sore nipples.

Rinse well. Otherwise the next baby meal will taste salty! Then wipe gently.

Also use this treatment to disinfect the nipples if baby has thrush.

But in this case, put more baking soda.

Mix 1 tablespoon of baking soda in 250 ml of boiled water. Then proceed in the same way.

This prevents the transmission of thrush between the baby and the mother.

Your turn...

Have you tested these uses of baking soda for babies and moms? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to read you!