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THE Natural and Effective Tip to Descale Your Teapot.

THE Natural and Effective Tip to Descale Your Teapot.

A scaled teapot spoils the flavor of your tea.

But no question of cleaning it with chemicals.

Looking for a natural way to descale your teapot?

Fortunately, there is a grandmother's trick for removing limescale from a teapot. This is white vinegar.

THE Natural and Effective Tip to Descale Your Teapot.

How to

1. Take a clean cloth.

2. Dilute vinegar in water (half/half).

3. Soak the cloth with this mixture.

4. Rub the inside of the teapot with it.

5. Take another cloth, dry and clean.

6. Wipe the teapot with it.

7. Wait for the last vapors to fade to use the teapot.


And There you go ! You have removed the scale in your teapot :-)

Diluted vinegar will not give any unpleasant taste to your tea.