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Some ideas to flower your apartment balcony

Ideas for potted flowers and trees that are easy to maintain and look great

Pansies:all-terrain flowers

These dreamy little fall and winter flowers bloom almost all year round. In the garden, they require very little care, and can even withstand winter! The soil must be airy and moist. Pansies can bloom in spring-summer, or in autumn-winter. For the first category, they simply require watering when it is hot. The latter will need mulching on the planter to insulate them from the cold (straw, wood shavings, old potting soil, plastic film, etc.). Otherwise, watering is minimal and only needs to keep the soil moist enough.

Primrose:first of the year

Essential, this little flower plays its role of decoration very well indoors. It is best to take it out at night, as it needs coolness, and it can stay on the balcony from February to September. First to flower of the year, it requires little care apart from regular watering which must ensure that the soil is always moist. The soil must be cool (partial shade). Perennials, primroses can bloom in each season, almost consecutively. First of all decorative, they are also… edible:the young leaves can decorate your salads and are perfectly edible!

Citrus fruits:a little more demanding

They are relatively easy to maintain. 1) if you want a citrus fruit that supports indoor cultivation well, choose calamondin (known as mandarin or indoor orange). It can stay outside from May to October. 2) the lemon tree is a magnificent little tree that can thrive in pots. It does not, however, bear to stay in a heated room all year round, so it is ideal as a balcony tree, if you have the space:but it must be brought in from October to May, and absolutely keep it sheltered. frost.


These two citrus fruits need relatively little water. For a young calamondin, half a liter of water every 5-7 days is enough. Care should be taken to keep the potting soil slightly moist, but be careful not to flood the pot. Same instructions for the lemon.

Repotting is very important and should be done in the first year, then every 2 to 3 years. Be sure to choose your soil and fertilizer carefully:ask your florist or garden store, making sure that it is an indoor tree, even if it is half the size. on your balcony! The calamondin and the lemon tree, if healthy, bear fruit all year round.