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The influence of the moon for gardening

The Moon fascinates, including the few skeptics, who pretend not to notice its effects on sleep or mood as well as on the development of plants and vegetables of all kinds. The cycle of the Moon or lunation, linked to the tides, lasts 29 days, 12 hours and 44 minutes:by rotating around the Earth, the Moon causes a gravitational effect which causes the tides, these changes in sea level and oceans.

Although not scientifically proven, it nevertheless seems that the cycle of the moon has consequences in the garden:this is why there are lunar calendars which make it possible to indicate what to do or not to do in rising or descending moon , concerning leafy vegetables, flower vegetables, fruit vegetables, root vegetables, etc…

Do not confuse rising and waning moon with waxing and waning moon!

The rising moon covers a period of 12 to 13.5 days during which the moon rises higher and higher in the sky. The period is favorable for sowing, transplanting, harvesting and picking (except for root vegetables).

The waning moon , on the contrary, is getting lower and lower in the sky, for a period of 12 to 13.5 days as well. The period is favorable for harvesting root vegetables, as well as for soil preparation, planting, transplanting, cuttings, pruning.

The crescent moon , it starts at the change of the moon:in the night sky its reappearance is in the form of an inverted "C" arc. This C grows until it forms a full circle which is the full moon. This is when the waning moon phase begins. which takes the form of a "C" arch. This C will gradually decrease until it disappears and makes the moon invisible, ready for a new moon!

In waxing moon, the "aerial" part of the plants is at its peak of vitality:the fruits must be picked, for example, to ensure their good preservation. In the waning moon, it is a period when perfume and taste prevail over vitality:the leaves and fruits are the most fragrant, so it is the right time to harvest the aromatics or to make jams because the fruits will be very fragrant.

In addition, it is necessary to take into account the lunar nodes , about twice a month, perigees and peaks of the Moon during which the gardener must remain in his deckchair enjoying his garden because
any intervention in the garden would be harmful.

Classification of vegetables

To distinguish what is leafy, flowery, rooty or fruity, it is necessary to refer only to the consumed part of the vegetable, which therefore gives:

  • leafy vegetables :asparagus, chard, celery, Brussels sprouts, watercress, spinach, salads…
  • flowering vegetables :artichoke, cauliflower, broccoli…
  • root vegetables :garlic, beetroot, carrot, celeriac, crosne, shallot, turnip, onion, leek, potato, radish, salsify…
  • fruit and seed vegetables :eggplant, cucumber, gherkin, squash, zucchini, strawberry, bean, lentil, corn, melon, peas, pepper, tomato…

It is therefore a subtle combination of the different positions of the moon that makes it possible to establish a lunar calendar to make the most of the non-negligible effects of the star on plants:the latter being mainly made up of water, the moon would influence on them as on the tides of the seas and oceans.