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To arrange your garden at a bargain price

To arrange your garden at a bargain price

To create a beautiful garden it is not always necessary to have big means, sometimes just a few good ideas are enough. Here are some simple and inexpensive tips for creating a nice little garden.

Delimit the zones to arrange your garden

Delimiting the zones to arrange your garden allows you to structure it as well as possible to enjoy it in an optimal way afterwards. A little thought to think about your garden for the future is therefore necessary, it is necessary to delimit very precise and practical areas to afford a garden of the most functional and very aesthetic. A few good ideas are enough and even with limited means, it is possible to create a nice garden.

Outdoor garden furniture is important and it must be chosen according to needs and desires and in particular to receive guests in your garden on beautiful spring or summer days.

Moreover, for a garden, we often imagine a lawn when it must be maintained continuously. This is not necessarily a good idea and especially for a large area, it is better to consider small pieces of lawn and favor especially paved areas. It is possible to create a barbecue area on the lawn for example or spaces reserved for plantations, this also facilitates the maintenance of the garden. From a visual point of view this offers diversity and gives the appearance of a larger space. You can also create small Japanese garden-style spaces with succulents, especially cacti, which require very little maintenance. These are affordable plants from a price point of view, they offer a very attractive aesthetic side, on the other hand, there is a disadvantage, these plants must be protected in winter because they fear low temperatures. But here are ideas that are pretty to look at and that don't cost an arm and a leg!

Another solution is also to create hedges and especially with shrubs rather than creating standard borders, maintenance remains minimal.
Then, don't forget that it is always wise to let nature take over its right in a delimited plot of your garden, the wild side can also bring a lot of charm to an outdoor space.

To arrange your garden at a bargain price

Materials and objects to favor in a garden

Pebbles, ferns, gravel, minerals, plants are just as many elements that bring beauty to a garden, which do not require special maintenance and above all do not cost too much.

A small fountain also and always brings a little something extra to the heart of a garden, this little sound of running water brings serenity.

Beautiful flowers such as roses, lavender, jasmine, wisteria not only add fragrance but also bring color and beauty to the garden.
If you are not particularly fond of gardening and caring for plants, then choose lavender which does not require pruning and very little watering.

A small cabin in the garden is also and always very practical, especially for storing tools or furniture. You can also consider a small living room, a place of tranquility and rest.
Green areas and stone areas always remain very aesthetic in a garden, with few means it is possible to create a space very aesthetic.

Finally and to finish, pretty candles, decorative lanterns, lights, and a nice hammock will also bring a lot of charm to your garden.

If you want to know more about the layout of your exteriors, we recommend this site: