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Pergola climbing plant:8 great ideas

Pergola climbing plant:8 great ideas

Those who have a more or less large garden often decide to furnish and decorate it with a pergola. It is a simple wooden or steel structure, which creates shaded areas.

You can put, under it, the table for the courtyard and the armchairs to quietly enjoy the afternoons of relaxation in the open air, reading a book, listening to music, etc.

But what is good with the pergola is that it lends itself very well as a base to decorate the entire patio with beautiful climbing plants. In this article we offer you some of them.

1. Climbing roses

Pergola climbing plant:8 great ideas

Let's start with a great classic, which does not necessarily mean banal:climbing roses. It is a perfect plant for all climates and able to create elegant and romantic atmospheres.

In short, a plant that always does its aesthetic duty, is fragrant, beautiful and assures you that you will never tire of seeing it. Indeed, it's still a good show.

Climbing roses are perfect not only for the pergola, but also for adding a touch of class to walls, using a beautiful trellis, patios and any corner of the garden.

2. Climbing Honeysuckle

Pergola climbing plant:8 great ideas

Climbing honeysuckle is a highly sought after ornamental plant. It is a lush and robust species, able to twist on any support. In addition, it grows very quickly and produces very fragrant flowers.

Although the plant blooms profusely in the presence of light, it prefers an area that is not too exposed to the sun. Indeed, it suffers if it is too exposed to the rays of the sun. Better to place it in a place where the weather is nice, yes, but also cool.

3. Vine

Pergola climbing plant:8 great ideas

The vine is one of the typical crops of the Mediterranean climate. Deciding to use it to decorate a pergola means adding a decorative and practical element to the garden. Indeed, we could enjoy the beauty of the plant and at the same time the goodness of its fruits.

The leaves of the vine are deciduous, that is, they are left on the ground when the plant prepares to face the winter season and the coldest temperatures. Flowering takes place in spring, with clusters of discreet size that after flowering will give way to the typical rounded berries.

4. Ivy

Pergola climbing plant:8 great ideas

Returning once again to the classic, but never banal theme, ivy.

Ivy is a classic that works great especially in shady areas. It is an evergreen climber that requires little maintenance and provides very dense cover.

Ivy can also be used as a green carpet. It is perfect for covering bare areas, for example around trees, and can also be used to cover and cover the edges of a driveway or to decorate stairs.

5. Bougainvillea

Pergola climbing plant:8 great ideas

Another very popular and ideal climber in regions with a hot and dry climate is the bougainvillea. Its flowering is generous and the flowers can be of different colors:pink, red, yellow and purple.

Also in this case, to achieve the best effect, you need sun, lots of sun. Only then can you ensure a flowery and colorful bloom. If you do not have a sunny space, it is better to change the plant. It would be a shame to sacrifice her!

6. Kiwi

Pergola climbing plant:8 great ideas

Like the grape, the kiwi is also the fruit of a vine with which you can decide to decorate the pergola. If we want to get the fruits, we have to grow one male plant for every 7 female plants.

Growing kiwi plants allows you to have shade in a simple and natural way and, at the same time, to harvest ripe and sweet fruits during the fall.

7. Hops

Pergola climbing plant:8 great ideas

Hop is a very fast growing climber, which can reach 8 meters in height and is characterized by the yellowish color of the foliage. This species prefers cool climate zones.

It is not one of the most popular plants for decorating the pergola. However, if you like to go a little against the grain, and especially if you have an always cool climate, this plant could be for you.

8. Climbing hydrangea

Pergola climbing plant:8 great ideas

We started with a classic that is never trivial, and we close the cycle with another classic that is not at all obvious. The climbing hydrangea is a very decorative plant that produces a dense and very fragrant bloom from spring to late summer.

It is ideal in cold climates and thanks to its aerial roots it is able to cling to any structure without any manual intervention.

The hydrangea is one of those timeless plants, it never goes out of style. Indeed, it is always perfect for all occasions. Fragrant, it is of great aesthetic impact and also quite simple to grow.