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Wedding decor:15 great ideas to copy!

After choosing the perfect wedding dress, it's time to focus on the decor! For this unique day to happen in the best conditions,prepare a wedding who looks like you and who you like! Get full of inspiration by going to Pinterest, you will then see the type of decoration you prefer. From the table to the flowers, zoom in on the decor trends for a wedding in 2021 .

Wedding decor:what are the 2021 trends to follow?

In 2021, the wedding decor focuses on authenticity, with the omnipresence of plants, the ever-present bohemian style and eco-responsible approaches, such as vintage furniture. To give you ideas, discover the 2021 wedding decoration trends to follow :

  • The hanging decoration: this year, the wedding decor is taking off. We highlight all the spaces by hanging a hoop of flowers, lanterns or even by installing suspended dried flowers.
  • The terracotta color: this warm shade has marked the last seasons and it intends to make its appearance in wedding decorations. Combine it with cream, for a warm and friendly atmosphere.
  • Vintage: antique furniture is in the spotlight. It limits the carbon footprint while contributing to the fight against overconsumption.
  • The bohemian touch: dried flowers, macrame, hangings... Invite bohemian decor to your wedding.

Can we organize a wedding in 2021?

Good news for couples wishing to put the ring on their finger! After having had to wait for months, from May 19, 2021, weddings resume with the reopening of the rooms, and the bride and groom will be able to invite guests up to 35% maximum of the capacity of their room, indoors and outside, capitals included. On June 9, this gauge will increase to 50% indoors and 65% outdoors, and by the end of June, all restrictions should be lifted, according to the Union des Professionnelles Solidaires de l’Evénementiel.

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