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Rotofil:what is it for? what are the advantages ?

Rotofil:what is it for? what are the advantages ?

The rotofil is a very useful device for any gardener wishing to maintain his small green space in a perfect state of maintenance. Indeed, this equipment gives its user greater maneuverability as well as greater precision. It has thus become essential to have a garden with an irreproachable finish. Do you still doubt its usefulness? In this case, let us remind you of all the maintenance you can do with your rotofil.

Rotofil:what is it for? what are the advantages ?

Use your rotofil for finishing

The rotofil, also commonly called edger, is a device that is used for the maintenance of areas inaccessible to the robotic mower or mower. It is therefore the right tool for cutting grass under a bench, at the bottom of an embankment, on the edge of beds, around trees, etc.

It is mainly used for finishing work. Indeed, it is not particularly suitable for clearing work. This is because it does not use strong steel blades, but rather a small section nylon thread. This wire tends to break when it encounters a hard obstacle.

The power of the rotofil, which is generally 300 to 700 W, is also better suited to small finishing jobs than brushcutting. By being aware of its characteristics and capabilities, you will be able to make the most of the potential of your rotofil.

And if you don't have one yet, then don't hesitate to browse the best battery rotofil sales on specialized sites.

The rotofil has the necessary assets to perfect the maintenance of your garden. First, it is significantly lighter than a lawn mower. Some models can indeed be held in one hand. Because of its lightness, the rotofil is therefore much more manageable. So you can use it to reach hard-to-reach areas.

The fact that it operates relatively quietly is also a significant plus, especially if you live in town. Thanks to a low-noise rotofil, you can maintain your garden without disturbing the whole neighborhood.

Finally, rotofil is appreciated for its very affordable price. This device is actually less expensive than a thermal brushcutter. If the gardening maintenance work you have to do is not too heavy, then the acquisition of a rotofil should largely do the trick.

Rotofil:what is it for? what are the advantages ?

The different interviews you can do with your rotofil

As we had previously specified, the rotofil is the ideal gardening tool for cutting grass where the mower does not pass. It would therefore be perfect for shortening the grass along the house, at the edges of beds or around trees.

Thanks to the rotofil, your garden will be completely uniform in terms of finish. You will no longer have small, hard to reach areas that look unfinished.

The rotofil will also serve you if you have land to clear. Indeed, it is perfectly suited for mowing tall grass.

That said, to gain efficiency, it is recommended to use a thermal model. The latter delivers more power than an electric rotofil, and will therefore be able to clear all the weeds with greater ease.

Finally, your rotofil will be useful for the maintenance of a garden in a sloping area. A lawnmower is indeed not optimally efficient for this type of operation. At least, the handling of the mower may be problematic, especially when you have to go up the slope. This is why the use of a rotofil would be better suited.

The latter is much lighter, therefore more manageable. Not only will your sloping garden be better maintained, but your maintenance sessions will also be carried out in completely safe conditions.