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This is how you choose the right parasol for your garden

We are still in winter now. But the sun is showing itself more and more, and even though it is still on the bleak side, we are spending more and more time outside. It won't be long before we can enjoy the sun again. A wonderful prospect, and time to prepare for the summer days that you will spend in the garden. Although we are all looking forward to spring and summer, it can get very hot on some days when the sun is shining. There are also people who do not want to sit in the hot sun at all. Then a cool shade is so nice. Buying a parasol can offer a solution. But nowadays there are so many different types of umbrellas to choose from, that we give you some useful tips here.

The size The size of a parasol determines how much shade the space will receive. Think about how much shade you want and how much space you have. For example, if you have a small garden, an umbrella that is too large will not look very nice. When using a parasol with a table, it is important that it is not too small, otherwise not everyone will get protection from the sun.

What kind?
Of course there are different types of umbrellas on the market. Do you choose a stick parasol or a floating parasol. The big advantage of stick umbrellas is that they are very light in weight and easy to move. In addition, a stick parasol is very easy to set up. Floating parasols are real eye-catchers in the garden, and on average slightly more expensive. But then you have something! You can choose from round, square and rectangular models. In addition, a floating parasol is often larger, but it does move back and forth when the wind blows. Whatever type of parasol you choose, make sure it matches the style of the garden and your budget.

What color? When buying a parasol it is also important to pay attention to the color. In addition to matching the garden, a lighter-colored cloth will get dirty faster than a dark-colored cloth. Therefore, also pay attention to whether you can easily wash and keep the cloth clean. A dark color also lets less sunlight through.

Which material? The material from which the cloth is made is also important, because it must be sufficiently weather resistant against sun, rain and wind.

Don't forget the parasol base! In addition to keeping the parasol upright, one with wheels can ensure that the parasol is easy to move.