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The different ways to recycle and reduce organic waste in the home

The different ways to recycle and reduce organic waste in the home

Ecology is at the center of our concerns. A few very simple recycling actions can be put in place to change small habits, without disrupting lifestyles.

At the time of the Grenelle Environment Forum, the government wants to reduce household and similar waste by 45%. To achieve this result, all goodwill is desirable. How to make your organic waste usable and actively participate in recycling?

You have a garden, how to effectively recycle your organic waste

The different ways to recycle and reduce organic waste in the home

When you have a garden, there are different solutions for recycling your organic waste. You can therefore set up the principle of composting at the bottom of your garden. You will find on the market, open or closed plastic bins to place your organic waste. It is possible to make a compost bin out of stone. Within months, microorganisms and earthworms work to turn your waste into compound fertilizers.

So you can enrich the soil of the vegetable garden in a completely natural and above all economical way, when the time comes for spring planting.


  • waste reduction:rather than throwing your waste in your classic trash can, consider setting up a basin in your kitchen to properly separate the waste and then take it to the bottom of the garden. Note that in some cities, the waste collected is weighed using a chip system placed in the bin. The less you throw away, the less tax you pay...
  • desirable items crushed dead leaves, freshly mown grass, houseplants, weeds (e.g. nettles)


  • Smells:Decaying grasses can produce odors. Be sure to place your compost bin away from your home or that of your neighbours.
  • undesirable elements:do not put sand, soil or coal ashes in the compost, diseased plants, shrubs or conifers, etc.

Tip:if you can crush the waste as much as possible, it will allow microorganisms to speed up the decomposition process.

You live in an apartment, how do you recycle your organic waste?

The different ways to recycle and reduce organic waste in the home

Living in an apartment (with or without a balcony) is not at all incompatible with recycling. Ingenious systems are available to help you participate in the ecological effort. If you are looking for an effective solution, consider vermicomposting.

The practice of vermicomposting in an apartment makes it possible to recycle a third of your trash in an ecological way, even when you live in the middle of town. Using a vermicomposter consists of producing compost from organic waste using earthworms (or earthworms). There are several families of earthworms suitable for compost production and in particular that of Eisenia.

With these few gestures, you actively participate in the recovery of your waste...

Our tips for caring for your earthworms:

  • do not mix species of earthworms, you risk disrupting the ecological system you have put in place
  • count about 500 worms for the consumption of 2/3 people in the household
  • monitor the temperature of your earthworms if you place them outside, on a balcony for example. They do not tolerate sudden changes (hot and cold) and may die
  • remember to put as much paper/cardboard as organic waste

The different ways to recycle and reduce organic waste in the home


  • easy to set up:you can set up your vermicomposting bins almost anywhere (kitchen, landing, shelves, under the sink, etc.)
  • Odorless:Earthworms absorb and digest organic waste quietly and odorlessly. Not only is vermicomposting clean, but it is also compact, discreet, aesthetic and ecological.
  • desirable items:vegetable peelings, eggshells, cardboard, paper (not laminated)


  • undesirable elements:meats, fish, dairy products, plastics, metals, glasses, citrus fruits, onions, shallots, garlic, etc.
  • Have a minimum knowledge of Eisenia which will ultimately become an asset

Tip:The juice produced for the worms in the collection tank is very concentrated. To dilute it, count 1 part of juice for 10 parts of water. It will serve as fertilizer for your plants, fruits or vegetables.

All you have to do is take the plunge and practice recycling your organic waste. You can invest in ecology on your own scale, by setting up a compost bin if you have a garden or a vermicomposter if you live in an apartment.