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8 Tips to stay warm during the winter

Are you a real cold-blooded person? Then read these 8 tips to stay warm during the winter, written by a cold-blooded person pur sang, carefully and take advantage of them. Handy tips that will hopefully keep you nice and warm this winter, until spring arrives.

1. Wear sufficient and correct clothes

Without the CV having to run at full speed all day, it is especially important that you wear enough clothes and also choose the right clothes. The right clothes mean clothes made from natural materials. This prevents excessive sweating and there is sufficient ventilation. A good example of this is cotton.

Wearing enough clothes in this case means that you wear several layers of clothes on top of each other. There must be sufficient air circulation, because that keeps you extra warm. So:a shirt, over it, a blouse with a nice warm cardigan over it is fine and will keep you nice and warm.

If you go outside, wear a good warm jacket, keep your neck warm with a nice scarf and keep your hands with a pair of gloves. You can of course pull your scarf up over your nose if it gets really cold.

2. The right food and warm drink

To get warm you have to eat the right food and drink the right drink. To quickly warm up inside, drink something warm, such as a glass of hot tea or a cup of hot chocolate. Soup is a good idea for in between or for lunch:it warms you up nicely from the inside and is something different than a sandwich. Food rich in healthy fats (such as nuts and fish) will help the body to better regulate its own temperature.

In addition to nutrition, herbs are also important. Ginger, for example, stimulates blood circulation, which will increase your body temperature. Spicy food is also heated.

3. Being alone promotes the cold

It has been scientifically proven:if you are alone you will get cold faster  than if you are with a partner or, for example, with a whole group of friends. This has everything to do with the fact that you feel connected to others. Your body converts this figurative heat into real heat. Please note:this only helps if you are in good company. Some people will only make you colder, so stay away from these people.

4. Hugging

Cuddling releases the substance oxytocin in the brain. This hormone promotes your feeling of happiness and ensures that you feel good and that you are less cold. Time to snuggle up against each other in the winter for some extra cuddles. Doesn't necessarily have to be a partner:a dog or cat is also perfect for cuddling.

5. Moving during the cold

Movement keeps your body at the right temperature. During the cold, however, you are quickly inclined to just relax on the bench and do nothing. However, this is disastrous if you are cold. Do you want to warm up nicely? Then move. Do not forget to move your fingers and toes to promote blood circulation.

6. Warm bath or shower

Still too cool? Then take a nice warm bath or take an extensive hot shower. Dry yourself thoroughly afterwards, so that the blood flow in your body is stimulated and you can go all out again for the time being.

7. Cold in bed? Take a hot water bottle

Two things help against the cold in bed:either a partner with whom you can lie on a nice spoon and/or a lovely hot water bottle. Of course there are also heating blankets for sale, but these put an extra burden on the wallet because they require extra energy (electricity). A hot water bottle can only hold a limited amount of hot water and a partner can keep you warm all night.

8. Be careful with alcohol

While most are under the assumption that alcohol has a warming effect, the opposite is true:alcohol actually lowers the body temperature. Unfortunately, the body does not notice this, on the contrary it feels warm, with the result that the body is perhaps less protected against the cold than is actually necessary. This can actually make you sick.

Fortunately, there are many more tips to get the weather warm quickly.

Do you have any tips yourself to stay warm during the cold days? Leave a comment below with your ultimate tip! Shouldn't it still work with these 8 tips to stay warm during the winter? Then I wholeheartedly recommend a one-way ticket to the tropics 😉