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Gardening with the moon

The future for the gardener is a basket full of beautiful vegetables and fruit, beautiful fragrant flowers. Some plants are said to be good at predicting the future. So it is said that if the onion has several protective skins, the winter will be harsh. If the violet blooms early, spring will be early... But the gardener prefers to rely on the moon! Gardening with the moon, yes but how?

We must first make the difference between waxing-waning moon and rising-descending moon.

Moon waxing, waning, rising, descending?

When we talk about croissant , we refer to the drawing that the moon makes in the sky. This is the synodic revolution , cycle of 29d 12h 44mn and 2.8s. When the moon is round, it is the full moon. When you can't see it, it's the new moon.

In contrast, regardless of the crescent, the moon travels in an arc across the sky. And every day it is either higher or lower than the day before. It's the periodic lunar revolution lasting 27 days 7 hours and 43 minutes.

Another term to know, the lunar node . It is the point of intersection of the lunar orbit with the earth's orbit. At this time, it is unfavorable to work in the garden!

Gardener with the moon and his calendar

It is therefore difficult to work with the moon, without using a lunar calendar . The lunar cycles mix with the positions of the other planets. It would be too easy to look at the sky at night and determine what we are going to do in the garden the next day! Especially since the moon and the planets, depending on their position, will determine whether it is a leaf, root, flower or fruit day... Oops!

Fortunately the calculations have been done for you. The lunar calendar indicates whether it is a leaf, root, flower or fruit day. The day of the work is chosen according to the desired purpose . We will sow the radishes on the root day, we will prune the roses on the flower day, etc.

There is also the possibility of referring to the signs of the zodiac. We choose the works according to the path of the moon in relation to the constellations. It becomes essential to have a lunar calendar!

Many observations have been made around the world. Studies are still in progress. The fact is that it is highly probable that the moon has an influence on the growth of plants, perhaps on the fluids, the water they contain. But that's not the only factor. Cultivation techniques are very important, hence the difficulty of measuring lunar incidence alone. Gardening with the moon does not prevent taking into account all the other environmental parameters in order to adapt its cultivation methods.

Gardening with the moon