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Colorful flamingos purify the air…

From September, life moves from outside to inside. A good time to give the interior a new impulse with cheerful house plants. Think of plants that also ensure a healthy indoor climate. Take the anthurium, also known as the flamingo plant. Research by Wageningen University &Research shows that this houseplant has excellent air-purifying properties. In addition, the flamingo plant is full of colorful, heart-shaped flowers.

Colorful flamingos purify the air…

Air purifying

The flamingo plants absorb harmful substances from the air via the green leaves. These are stored and broken down in the plant and the root system. WUR has measured in a laboratory setting that the anthurium filters more than 50% of harmful substances from the air within 24 hours. After three days it is almost 100%. The following applies:the more plants (or the larger the plant), the stronger the effect. In addition, flamingo plants improve the relative humidity so that you are less likely to suffer from a too dry indoor climate. In a healthy interior you are less likely to suffer from headaches, dry eyes, and lethargy.


On the table, hanging, in the bathroom, kitchen or office… As soon as there is a place with daylight, there is always room for anthuriums. You can choose to place the plants in different places, spread over the room. However, you can create an extra green atmosphere with a 'jungle corner'. So put plants together in a group. Choose different decorative pots and alternate large and small flamingo plants in different tone-on-tone colours. This way you create a playful effect. You can of course also combine anthuriums with green leafy plants. The heart-shaped flowers provide color and stand out even more.

Colorful flamingos purify the air…

Happy face

Flamingo plants give a cheerful touch to the interior and provide positive energy. It becomes extra cheerful when you opt for striking decorative pots, for example in the shape of a face. The leaves and flowers of the anthurium then form the 'haircut'. That is literally a happy face…! At least as nice are pots on legs. This way you do not only vary with height; you also create an airy effect. Anthuriums on hydroponics are very special. The potting soil has been removed from the root ball and the plant is standing in the water with its bare roots.


– It is unclear where the common name flamingo plant comes from. The most obvious explanation is the appearance of the plant:the flowers sit on elongated, leafless stems. With a little imagination, they look a bit like the upper body and legs of a flamingo bird.
– The heart-shaped flowers of the flamingo plant are actually bracts. The real flowers are minuscule and are located on the spadix that sticks out.

Colorful flamingos purify the air…

Care tips

Flamingo plants can bloom for months with ease. Then they take a short break, but after a while they start producing flower buds again. With a few simple tips you can enjoy the houseplant to the fullest.
– Location:Always place the flamingo plant in a spot with daylight, but preferably out of the sun. In autumn and winter, the plant also tolerates full sun (which is less vigorous than in spring and summer). If the leaf turns yellow, the Anthurium is probably getting too much sunlight. Does the anthurium produce new flowers, but does the color remain a bit greenish? Then your anthurium will not receive enough daylight, so place the plant in a slightly lighter spot.
– Watering:Water the flamingo plant regularly. In autumn and winter, one watering per week is often sufficient. Make sure that the roots do not remain in the water. Does the leaf of the Anthurium have brown edges? That probably means a water shortage or an abundance. Stick your finger in the potting soil to determine whether you need to water more or less.
– Nutrition:Flamingo plants do best if you add a dash of plant food to the irrigation water once a month. The plant remains healthy and strong and continuously produces new flowers.