Having trouble sleeping?
So good news:you will sleep better!
Sometimes we sleep badly because the air in the room is not clean enough.
Fortunately, there is a simple trick to breathe cleaner air at night.
All you have to do is install a plant called sansevière, which is also nicknamed "mother-in-law's tongue".
It is the ideal plant to purify the air in your home, and more particularly in your bedroom, when you sleep.
1. Get yourself a sansevière.
2. Put it near a window so that it catches the sunlight.
3. Water it once every 2 weeks.
And now, thanks to the action of this plant, the air in your room is now of better quality.
Simple, practical and effective!
It's still better that way, isn't it?
Did you know that the air inside the house is much more polluted than the air outside?
Indoor air is one of the 5 biggest risks to your health.
But thanks to this grandma's trick, the air in your room is cleaner.
Just put this pretty cheap plant in it. In addition, it is a great natural decoration for your room.
But that shouldn't stop you from airing your room regularly.
You will see, you will sleep better.
With healthier air in your bedroom, your sleep is of better quality.
The plant called sansevière or sanseveria has the property of transforming carbon dioxide into oxygen during the night. The air is therefore purer.
In addition, this perennial plant is very easy to maintain! It is planted in a pot, in a well-drained soil.
She just needs light , a little water and a temperature that does not drop below 10°C.