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A tidy room =a tidy mind and better sleep

The bedroom should be a haven for sleeping and yet, even at the best of times, our bedrooms so often become dumps for the debris of life and end up full of disorganized mounds of clothes, piles of bank statements or bills and the general clutter we not wanting to show it to anyone… Not exactly the most relaxing place to enjoy a peaceful sleep every night. Here are some tips to make sure your bedroom is a haven for sleeping.

Clean up your room to clear your head

We tend to hold onto physical possessions, often we are more attached to the emotion behind it than to the physical item itself. To ensure that your bedroom is a place to sleep, it is always helpful to clear out this unnecessary clutter to reduce mental and physical stressors. As noted organizer Marie Kondo suggests, consider whether an item is joyful or useful, and if it's none of these, it's time to re-evaluate whether you should keep it. You can always keep a box of items you're unsure about in your garage or attic for a week or so and if you don't miss them during that time, you know it's fine to donate or sell.

Also scale back to technology in the bedroom – just the sight of your laptop or phone, even when they're turned off, can increase stress levels. Plus, you'll be less tempted to check business emails or social media if that means moving to another room. Spending some time tidying up your bedroom will help you process these emotions – both your mind and your room.

Be organized

Now that you've got everything cleaned up, it's time to look at organizing your bedroom and make sure it works for you. This doesn't have to be drastic. For example, if you have a constant pile of clothes waiting in a corner to be washed, invest in a decent laundry basket. There are all kinds of beautiful wicker baskets and colorful canvas bags that are much more pleasant to look at than a pile of dirty laundry.

Really take the time to consider whether there are practical things that could make your life easier:perhaps an extra hanging rail for winter coats as the weather gets a little colder; a shoe rack to avoid hiding your shoes under the bed; a jewelry box or organizer to free up some space on the dresser; some extra shelves or drawers if there are things on the chair…

Out of sight is not the same as out of mind, so don't forget to search your drawers and shelves. There's no point in tidying and organizing your bedroom if the drawers are chaotic! Make sure your clothes are neatly folded and any items you don't like or don't wear often are donated to a thrift store.

And don't forget the papers. We all have a drawer for "important" documents and this can easily become a stopgap for everything we don't know what to do with but don't want to throw away. Set aside half an hour to go through everything in your paper drawer - you really don't need a bank statement from an account you closed in 2009. Keep papers neatly in labeled folders so you can easily find the information you need when you need it. Make sure to shred all documents containing personal data when they are no longer needed.

Also read:This is how you create peace in your bedroom

Make your room yours

Everyone's sleep domain should be unique to them, so be sure to put your own stamp on your bedroom. After all, the definition of relaxation for everyone is unique.

Be sure to show items you really love or have real sentimental value; but be honest with yourself – don't go overboard with too many exhibits if you'll find this overwhelming.

Here are some easy ways to add personality to your bedroom without spending a lot of money or reintroducing excess clutter:

  • Create a visually striking gallery wall with framed postcards, photos or artwork
  • Invest in some cozy bedspreads or pillows in your favorite fall/winter color.
  • Rearrange your bookshelves – everyone has a preferred way to display their favorite books; whether by author, color, size or theme
  • Visit the garden center and buy some air-purifying plants
  • Reorder your furniture. It's amazing how refreshing small changes to the room can feel - find your feng shui!

    And finally…

Once you've got your physical space clean, organized, and properly prepared for sleep, it's time to focus on yourself. Contrary to what many of us try every night, we can't just jump into bed after our busy day and expect to fall asleep right away, no matter how relaxing our sleeping environment is.

Start tapering off an hour before bed to let your body know you're about to go to bed; a warm lavender bath, chamomile tea, meditation, or journaling are all perfect ways to relax and prepare for sleep. The more relaxed you are, the better the quality and quantity of your sleep.

In the morning you will have bright eyes and a bushy tail and you will find getting ready for the day a breeze thanks to how organized your bedroom is.

And don't forget to make your bed! No matter how neat your room is, if your bed is not made, it will feel cluttered.