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Decorating your garden on a limited budget

Have you moved into a new home and is it okay to do something to the garden? A really nice job to tackle during the warmer months; but also a job that often involves a considerable budget. Fortunately, there are also a number of handy ways to organize your garden in a great way, without having to spend too much money on this. We are of course happy to tell you how you do that!

1. Start with the furniture
First look for a nice set of garden furniture where you can spend the summer months relaxing. You can of course buy this set brand new in the store; but then you also pay full price for it. Rather wait for special discount days such as Black Friday or Singles Day Netherlands on which you can get your favorite set for tens or even hundreds of euros cheaper. And besides the fact that it is always good to shop in person, it is often wise to make your final purchase online. In general, you can purchase your favorite set for a lower price. For example, look for your favorite furniture in the store, and then buy it for a lower price online at, for example,

2. Save on the little ones
Now that you've bought the furniture for a low price, it's time to look for more ways to save. Chances are you want some nice lighting in your garden. Now you can invest heavily and have cables laid, sockets installed and expensive lamps installed. But it can be a lot cheaper. For example, only purchase solar lighting that is charged by the sun and then illuminated throughout the evening and night. If you already have some sockets in the garden, purchase LED lighting:the most sustainable form of lighting on the market at the moment! Every little bit helps.

3. Buy for the long term Although a garden in bloom is very beautiful during the summer months, this often means that you have to buy new plants in the colder months. Buy your plants and other things in the garden for the long term. For example, don't just buy seasonal flowers, but also take care of beautiful shrubs so that you can still enjoy an attractive garden during the autumn and winter.

4. Choose second-hand
Do you need something for the garden? First see if you can buy it second-hand. Many second-hand products can easily last a few months to years with a little love; and that will save you a lot of money!