More and more of us are living in small apartments .
It's normal that rents in cities keep going up!
Fortunately, there are plenty of tricks to save space easily, even in a small apartment.
Here are 17 examples of studios full of good ideas to save space . Watch:
1. White paint gives the impression of having more space

And in addition, you gain in brightness and therefore you save on electricity!
2. A bench gives more space to sit in a small kitchen

3. Hooks allow you to avoid having bags and coats lying around

4. A sofa close to the floor takes up less space in a small room

5. In an attic room, put the sofa close to the wall at an angle to save space

6. A chest of drawers can also be used as a bedside table

7. Or place the bedside table at the foot of the bed for more space

8. Old chests are perfect as a coffee table because you can store lots of things in them

Try to hunt for one on leboncoin, I'm sure you'll find a cheap one!
9. A screen makes it possible to cut a room in two and give a "cosy" atmosphere

10. No room for a couch? Try putting two chairs instead

11. Wall shelves take up much less space than a bookcase

12. An island on wheels is perfect for preparing meals and can also be used as a dining table

13. Remember to use all the space up to the ceiling and use a telescopic bar to hang your clothes

14. An open bookcase allows you to visually separate your studio into several rooms

15. Install a mezzanine to make your living room just below

16. Use chunky pillows to turn your bed into a comfy couch for your guests

17. Paint your kitchen in a color that contrasts with the rest to set it apart from the rest of the room