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Creating a cozy atmosphere in the living room

In many homes, most of the time is spent in the living room. It is therefore important that it is a nice place to spend your time. Unfortunately, this is not always so easy. Your living room can be so beautifully decorated, every now and then the atmosphere just seems to be missing. Fortunately, there are a number of easy adjustments to make quickly and without too much effort to create a cozy atmosphere in the living room.

The right lighting
The basis of the design of any room is the right lighting. Lighting is a real mood setter. Choose the right pendant lamps, floor lamps and any function lighting. If you have a beautiful painting in the living room, emphasize it with three spots. In a spacious living room, make more use of floor or table lamps to easily create a warm atmosphere in the house and always choose a beautiful, appropriate hanging lamp to bring everything into a whole. Whichever lamps you choose, always make sure that they match the desired style of the interior. For example, go for cool concrete-look lamps for an industrial interior, or for a sleek design hanging lamp in a modern or classic interior. The right lighting can make or break a decor.

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Creative decoration
Whether you go for themed decoration, or for decoration that can stay all year round; fine decoration has a major influence on a pleasant atmosphere. Cold white walls often look uninviting, but when they are wallpapered with nice photos, a beautiful painting or another creative expression, the room quickly becomes a lot warmer. But also decoration on floors and shelves should not be missing. Of course, this does not mean that you have to stuff the entire living room with this and that, but here and there a nice decorative piece is completely in place!

Creating a cozy atmosphere in the living room
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Plants and nature
A space without a plant always seems to be missing something. Even adding a simple standing plant in a bare room gives the room a completely different atmosphere. The use of other natural materials such as stone or wood also gives the room a pleasant atmosphere. You can create your own urban jungle, or simply decorate the floors with a beautiful plant here and there. However you arrange it, plants and other natural materials immediately create a cozy atmosphere.

By combining all these little things and giving it a personal touch, you can create a very cozy atmosphere in your living room in no time!