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14 Tips to give the living room a makeover

We are at home more than ever. Therefore, make sure that the living room is comfortable and cozy, so that the walls do not come at you. With these 14 tips to give the living room a makeover you will come a long way and you will enjoy sitting at home.

Set up living room

For most people, the living room is the place to be in the house. Hours are spent here, especially if the living room is connected to the dining room. This certainly applies to the times in which we now live. Due to all the measures, our house is the only safe haven where we can stay.

The TV is on more and longer than ever and the living room is the central point for young and old. Maybe after all those months sitting at home and working from home you are tired of your living room. You can get started rigorously or give your living room a little makeover with the tips below.

14 Tips to give the living room a makeover

You can make a makeover of the living room as expensive or cheap as you want. Sometimes a small change already makes a big impact and you can move forward for a while.

1. Shelves above the sofa

Do you have an empty space above your sofa? Then it is necessary to tackle these first. There is nothing more uncomfortable than a bare wall. You want to create some coziness in the living room. You can do this, for example, by attaching a number of wall shelves above your sofa. There is room on the shelves for photos, plants and, for example, small decorations. Match the colors and accessories to the rest of your interior to make it a beautiful whole.

2. One eye-catcher

Every living room should have an eye-catcher. For designers, an eye-catcher is the starting point for furnishing a room. You can mimic this very easily. Go to the living room and decide what will be your eye-catcher. This could be your TV, the fireplace or a wall with pictures on it. This is your starting point for furnishing the rest of the living room. Here too the following applies:play with colors and make sure that everything fits together.

3. Make the TV the center of the room

A TV has become an indispensable part of the living room. Not surprising, because you can spend a lot of relaxing hours because of this. For children, a TV is indispensable in combination with a game console. So why not make the TV the focal point of the room? You can do this, among other things, by hanging the TV and giving the wall behind it a striking color (or not, then choose black, for example). Or you can hang posters and photos around your TV and make your TV the center of this gallery.

4. Pillows, pillows and more pillows

Have you ever noticed that pillows are always used in magazines to brighten up a sofa and a room in general? Not surprising, because pillows can add a lot to the look of your room. Do you get bored quickly? Then change the pillows every now and then. Play with colors or go with the seasons to make the sofa more attractive and inviting.

5. A statement wall

A statement wall can also serve as the absolute eye-catcher of your room. For example, do you have a simply furnished living room in neutral colors? Then paint one wall in a dark color as an eye-catcher. Make sure that this wall really gets all the attention. If you have a statement wall on the left, a striking fireplace on the right and a large TV in the middle that is an eye-catcher in itself, then it all becomes too much.

6. Rug

There is nothing more cozy than a rug. Especially if you have laminate or tarpaulin on the floor. A rug gives the whole a cozy look, exactly what you need in this time. Incidentally, you do not necessarily have to opt for a striking rug. A neutral rug with a small pattern in it just adds the finishing touch to your living room.

7. A gallery

Why not reserve a corner and make it your own gallery? This can be done with all kinds of artworks that you have bought or that your children have made. Work with (different) frames and formats to make it attractive. Mix and match go well together when it comes to art.

8. Houseplants

In my opinion, an absolute must if you want to give the living room a makeover. Houseplants radiate tranquility and at the same time improve the air quality in the house. Remove decorations and accessories in the room and replace them with houseplants. Your house will immediately have a cozy look and you will notice that it feels much more comfortable. The following also applies here:feel free to choose a mix and match of plants that you feel comfortable with.

Reading tip:Top 10 Easy to keep houseplants

9. Hang a mirror

Sometimes the solution is as simple as it is sophisticated. Have you ever thought about decorating your living room with a mirror? A mirror is not only nice as a decoration, but at the same time it can ensure that more space is created optically. Not only space, but also light can be enhanced by using a mirror.

10. Make a statement with a lamp

This tip is versatile:do you have a small living room and do you want to give the option that the room is larger and higher? Then you can choose to hang a statement lamp. This ensures that the eyes are directed upwards, so that it is not so noticeable that your room is actually not that big. There is one but:if you only have one light point in the whole room, be careful in your choice of lamp. Do you want optimal comfort and cosiness in the living room? Then three different light points are a must.

11. A colorful touch

Do you have a predominantly neutral living room? Then think about whether there is free space on the wall where you can add some color. This is preferably done by hanging an (abstract) painting. For the best result, choose a work of art that incorporates the colors from the interior.

You can also get started yourself. Buy a canvas, cheap paint from Action or Hema and enjoy yourself. Art has the advantage that it does not have to represent anything. Everything is allowed and possible as long as it matches your interior. And who knows, you might discover a new passion or a fun way to relax.

12. Ton sur Ton

You may have already seen this concept passed in review. You may not be familiar with it yet. You can apply tone sur ton both for the interior and, for example, your clothing style. The point is that you work with colors from the same hue. In short:if you mainly want gray to appear, then choose everything in shades of gray, varying from very light to very dark gray. You can do this with all colors. In this way you mainly create peace in the living room.

13. Slide furniture away from the wall

It's as simple as it sounds:move the furniture away from the walls if space allows. By doing this you can start more with the available space. For example, you can place a bookcase behind the sofa. Or you have more walking space. Just see what it does if you don't fit the furniture tightly against the wall.

14. Make the most of the space design

One last tip, for many no more than an afterthought:make optimal use of the space. Do you have a part in the living room where you see the stairs going up? Take advantage of this and build a custom cabinet below. Or build a small room around it that you use as a pantry. Respond to the design and integrate it into your interior.

Furnish the living room comfortably and cosy

With a few small adjustments you can completely restyle the room. For example, make it a retro living room from the seventies or rural with a modern twist. From adding a few pillows, house plants and a mirror to a slightly larger makeover such as painting a wall as an eye-catcher. You can make it as expensive and labor-intensive as you want. Or you opt for a sustainable makeover. Make sure that you do not lose sight of your own wishes and preferences under all circumstances.

Have you ever given your living room a makeover ?