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5 Upcycled Ideas For an Original Bathroom Decor.

5 Upcycled Ideas For an Original Bathroom Decor.

The bathroom is a room where we spend a lot of time.

It is therefore natural to make it a pleasant and original place to wash and take care of yourself.

But no need to spend a fortune to personalize the decor of the bathroom.

Here are 5 decorative ideas with recycled materials that you won't soon forget!

5 Upcycled Ideas For an Original Bathroom Decor.

  • 1. My authentic towel rack:the recycling ladder
  • 2. My pebble rug for a zen atmosphere
  • 3. My bath bridge for a princess toilet
  • 4. My refurbished shower curtains
  • 5. My playful bathroom to impress my children

1. My authentic towel rack:the recycling ladder

Like a mix of modernity and authenticity in my dwarf room, thanks to this original and very decorative towel holder.

The scale used from my dad that he no longer uses, I reuse it as a useful and economical decorative object.

It is simply placed against the wall to put all my towels to dry.

It gives my bathroom a very raw and natural look, like a return to simplicity.

5 Upcycled Ideas For an Original Bathroom Decor.

2. My pebble rug for a zen atmosphere

On the beach, I picked up lots of pretty flat pebbles. I have so many that I will be able to make a nice rug for my bathroom. Zen atmosphere guaranteed!

To do it:

1. I collect my pebbles on a great weekend at the beach. Dirty chore, I know...

2. I take a carpet with short hair.

3. I place my pebbles there as I want and I glue them with tile adhesive.

4. I let it dry for a day and a night to make sure everything is dry.

And here is the job. Isn't my carpet covered with pebbles beautiful?

I feel like I'm back at the seaside every time I get out of my bath.

5 Upcycled Ideas For an Original Bathroom Decor.

3. My bath bridge for a princess toilet

I've always dreamed of having a swim bridge like in a hotel room luxury.

The class to take a bath in a royal and distinguished way!

I can put a few scented candles, a glass of wine and my favorite book there for an aquatic reading!

To make it, you have to find a nice wooden board who will come through the bathtub.

And for DIY explanations, read more here.

5 Upcycled Ideas For an Original Bathroom Decor.

4. My refurbished shower curtains

Shower curtains only last for a while. But you can extend their life by pampering them.

Here are 2 tips essential to have great shower curtains without spending a penny:

1. Last time I almost broke my face getting out of the tub!

I then pulled on my shower curtain to catch my fall. And it worked ! Except, my curtain eyelets are completely torn.

Luckily there is this really handy trick for making new eyelets for my curtain.

I was able to refurbish it in 15 min .

2. When I don't hold on to my shower curtain to prevent it from falling... I notice something just as unpleasant:mold.

In this case, it's very simple.

When I get out of the shower, I leave the shower curtain open to its full length.

The goal is for it to dry easily. No more humidity or mould!

Despite your precautions, there is still mold?

Find out how to clean your shower curtain and get rid of mold with this trick.

5 Upcycled Ideas For an Original Bathroom Decor.

5. My playful bathroom to impress my children

Always the chore of giving them a bath?

Not anymore, I found the trick with these 2 funny tricks. They give them the desire to splash around in the bathtub.

1. An iceberg in the bathtub

Better than a plastic toy, imagine an iceberg in your Loulou's bathtub. While he found heaps of excuses not to take his bath.

From now on, he goes there merrily!

A rubber glove, water and space in the freezer are enough to create a playful toy to dip in the bathtub.

That's it, here he is in Alaska, change of scenery and fun guaranteed! And even if it's a fleeting pleasure...

My bathtub is pleasantly decorated for a few minutes. For more information on this trick, find us here.

2. A magical and decorative soap

"Haven't you washed your hands yet? Hurry up, we're going to eat." No more begging them to wash their mimines.

I found the unstoppable trick:a soap with a toy inside. In addition, I save money since I collect my old soaps .

I melt them (if they are different colors, even better!).

I slip a small plastic toy into it and reform into a ball of soap. And here is a brand new and decorative soap!

A small toy stuck inside...

It makes you want to go wash your hands more often to get it back! To find out more, it's here.

With these 5 tips, you will be able to delight young and old alike. From the ambience zen , with the original decoration , through the fun of your child s, there is something for everyone.