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Ikea Place, the app that projects furniture at home before buying it

Walking the aisles of Ikea is a bit like experiencing Wonderland. The sumptuous decorations of bedroom, living room or kitchen furnished with taste are all sources of inspiration for the house. Yes, but here we are, we can tend to forget that our interior is slightly different from the model presented, which causes compulsive purchases that we regret quite quickly once back at home (“This mustard yellow sofa looked very good in the store! » … Do you recognize yourself?). In order to avoid these disappointments, the Swedish brand has developed an application at the cutting edge of innovation:it will soon be possible to project coveted furniture at home even before having bought it thanks to augmented reality. Clever!

An app available in fall 2017

Called Ikea Place, the device will allow sofas, beds, shelves and other tables to be placed in a desired space. All you have to do is point your phone at the chosen location and the object will magically appear and at the right scale, of course. It will even be possible to approach more or less the projection, to really realize the cachet that it brings or not to the room. No more unnecessary round trips to the yellow and blue department store and hello to considerable time savings! The app will be available alongside the iOS 11 update in October 2017. When is the right time to consider completely remodeling your home the Sims way? We feel that we are going to have fun playing interior decorators!