Our homes are much more polluted than we think!
You feel like you're safe at home, but in fact it's quite the opposite...
Indoor air is always much more polluted than outdoor air.
How it is possible ? Household products, paint, but also materials in our furniture that reject particles...
Fortunately, some indoor plants are real air purifiers:they filter polluted air and release clean air.
Here are 9 indoor plants that purify the air in your home without doing anything . Watch:
Try to put at least 2 of these plants for 30 m2, each in pots of about 30 cm.
Last tip:do not water your plants too much, because too much moisture in the soil can cause mold.
This climbing and vigorous plant grows in small spaces, it is really easy to maintain. In addition, it likes in rooms with few windows or without direct sunlight.
His strong point: its dense foliage absorbs formaldehyde which is one of the most widespread pollutants in our interiors, according to this study. This pollutant is found in particular in resins, wood glue, certain cleaning products, cigarette smoke and synthetic dyes for rugs or carpets.
Plants that purify the air are few in bloom. That's why the moonflower is so popular! In addition, it is a plant that is not very demanding:it does not need direct sunlight and is not greedy in water. However, it is toxic to pets. But don't worry, because your pets won't come near it.
His strong point: this flower (Spathiphyllum) , which blooms year-round, rids the air of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) of benzene, a carcinogen found in paints, furniture polish and waxes. It also sucks up acetone emitted by electronic devices, adhesives and some cleaners.
It is a species very easy to cultivate. But this dwarf palm can take a while to grow. Once it finds its way, its fan-shaped leaves lend real charm to any room in the house.
His strong point: this plant targets ammonia, the enemy of the respiratory system and a major harmful ingredient in most cleaning products, textiles and dyes.
The Boston fern had its heyday in the Victorian era, before being somewhat forgotten. It has feather-like leaves and curved fronds, so it's perfect in hanging baskets. It is one of the most effective air purifiers. But it is a bit tricky to maintain, as it needs constant humidity.
His strong point: this fern very well eliminates the formaldehyde found in certain glues for wood and plywood in kitchen and bathroom furniture. Some studies also show that it can remove toxic metals, such as mercury and arsenic.
This plant with pointed leaves is very easy to care for and does not require a lot of light. At night, it absorbs carbon dioxide and releases oxygen. Put some of these plants in your bedroom for a little oxygen supply while you sleep.
His strong point: In addition to reducing carbon dioxide, the snake plant rids the air of formaldehyde and benzene.
This ultra-fast growing plant loves to climb and twist on a stake or trellis. You can pot it with a stake, hang it in a basket with a trellis. Its large dark green leaves with golden mottling are very decorative. In addition, it can be easily taken from cuttings.
His strong point: like many other climbing plants, it attacks formaldehyde, but also targets carbon monoxide and benzene. Consider placing some in your driveway, where high-formaldehyde car exhaust is most likely to enter. I put them in magnetic flowerpots on my front door.
Placed in a place where the sun is abundant, this plant with very thick leaves produces pretty white, pink or red flowers during the summer.
His strong point: begonia is very good at filtering out benzene and chemicals like toluene, a liquid found in some waxes and adhesives.
This small, slow-growing shrub can reach quite a height. It is relatively compact and adapts to the living conditions you offer it. He loves large, high-ceilinged rooms with moderate light and weekly watering. Its leaves bordered with red give a little gaiety.
His strong point: This plant absorbs gases such as xylene, trichlorethylene and formaldehyde found in lacquers, varnishes and sealants.
Also called chlorophytum, it is a perfect plant for beginner gardeners, as it does not require too much care. In addition, it reproduces quickly:baby plants appear at the end of its long leaves like little spiders, hence its name.
His strong point: place a spider plant on a high shelf or in a hanging basket near a sunny window and it will rid you of airborne molecules of formaldehyde and benzene.