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Which floor is useful if you have pets?

In the meantime I can say that I have sufficient experience with pets. In the past, with my parents, we always had dogs and we ourselves have had a dog and a number of cats for years. When choosing a new floor, I always take our pets into account. Because which floor is actually useful if you have pets? Here are some tips to keep in mind when choosing a new floor.

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These floors are useful if you have pets

If you could ask your pets, there would be all kinds of different answers to the question of which floor they like. One dog gets warm quickly and loves to lie on a stone cold floor, while the other dog is charmed by carpeting. You can lie in it so nicely and roll with your body and wipe your snout so wonderfully 😉 . And what about cats? Well, they go all out on carpet to sharpen their nails, so that one can also be a favorite.

But in this article I do not start from the wish of the dog. We start from the wish of the human being 😉 . You can easily fulfill the wishes of your pets by, for example, choosing a carpet in certain places in the house. This way you choose the right floor with pets and you still give them some extra comfort.

Choose a floor that is easy to clean

With dot on number 1 is of course a floor that is easy to clean. If you have pets, a floor that is easy to clean is an absolute must. There is no pet that leaves your floor clean. Hairs lying around everywhere, sand they take in. And moisture as a result of accidents. Pets make a mess if you're not careful 😉 .

Think, for example, of a puppy that does not do all its needs outside yet. Or just a dog that occasionally has diarrhea at night and lets a few things walk on your floor. Do you have carpet or a wooden floor? Then you can forget it. You will never get them clean again, unless you have them fully professionally cleaned or sanded again. Now I can't talk about this, but I can talk about the combination of a robot vacuum cleaner and a dog that has diarrhea. And I assure you.. that is not a pleasant story!

Fortunately, we had a cast floor in our old house at the time, so it was easy to clean. In terms of cleaning, a cast floor is ideal with pets, but the biggest drawback is the scratches on the floor. A cast floor is not scratch-resistant and therefore not suitable if you have a dog. Fortunately, the Ambiant PVC floor that we have installed ourselves also has the property that it is very easy to clean and does not scratch.

It is not only nice for dogs to have a floor that is easy to clean, it is also very nice if you have cats. For example, think of the hairballs they broke out. Or the mice and (perhaps) birds that outdoor cats bring inside. You don't want all that on your carpet.

Choose wooden-floor or PVC-floor for pets

We used to have a wooden floor in our old house. More practical than carpeting, of course, but still very sensitive to scratches. The latter is a thing if you have larger dogs at home, for example. In addition, wood starts to work and if your dog (or cat) has to vomit once, it will run between the seams of your wooden floor. Imagine for a moment what happens when he has diarrhea. Yagh!

After all our experiences with different types of floors and our pets, I can say with 100% certainty that a PVC floor is really the most convenient floor with pets. A PVC floor is even, but not too smooth. This prevents a 'Bambi on ice' effect. Which means that your dog still has some grip compared to, for example, a poured floor, parquet or residential concrete. In addition, you can install a PVC floor seamlessly if you glue it to the surface. And even if you have a PVC click floor (like we have), the seams are still connected in such a way that you do not run the risk of moisture in between the seams.

Has your pet let something go? Then you can easily do that with a mop. Nothing more to see. In addition, the acid does not just soak into the PVC floor. In the case of, for example, a parquet floor or residential concrete, you would continue to see stains and the floor must be treated again. As a final advantage of a PVC floor, I can tell you that the tapping of dog paws on the floor is a lot less than with a parquet floor. And that a robot vacuum cleaner can do its job very well. The latter can of course also work well with a wooden floor. Are you looking for a good vacuum cleaner? Fellow blogger Ellen wrote a blog about vacuum cleaners for pets and I myself tested the roomba e5 vacuum cleaner for pets.


We have had a PVC floor in our living room, kitchen and hall for a few months. This floor is really ideal with our pets! As long as we have pets, I will not make another choice soon. What are your experiences?