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Using essential oil if you have pets

The use of essential or essential oils is completely trending. Many people use the oils too often. Although it is a natural remedy, caution is advised. Using essential oil if you have pets

Essential or essential oil popular

Thanks to major MLM brands, essential oils also known as essential oils or EO for short have become very popular. More and more people see the usefulness of using EO. The oils are ingested, lubricated and used in a diffuser. Personally, I am not at all in favor of taking essential oil, but that is a personal choice. I mainly use the oil (diluted with a carrier oil) on the skin or in a diffuser.

Do you have small children or pets? Then you have to pay attention to which oil you use and how. Although there are several oils that you can use without any problems if you have a dog or cat, there are also just as many or even more oils that can be deadly to your pet.

Reading tip:100 Ways to Use Essential Oil

Use essential oil if you have pets

Although you can use some oils to combat fleas and ticks, for example, it is not wise to apply oil undiluted to your pet's skin. Cats in particular are very sensitive and can get sick quickly from the use of essential oil. However, many people do not realize that using an essential oil in a diffuser can be disastrous for the dog or cat.

A dog can smell 1000x to 10,000x better than humans. You can imagine that a dog is initially overwhelmed when scents are spread through the air. Not only the dog can suffer from this. Cats, birds and even fish are also very sensitive to smells. A cat can also knock over the diffuser, causing the oil to end up on the fur. Cats are naturally very clean animals and it will not take long before the cat will lick itself clean. The result is that the cat ingests toxic substances, resulting in a coma or death in the worst case.

Using a diffuser

As mentioned, a diffuser is regularly turned on here in the house. Ideal if you have a cold, suffer from a headache or, for example, want to relax. It is important that this happens away from the pets. The tiny droplets of oil are spread through the air with a diffuser. For cats, even a very small amount can be deadly. If the diffuser is used in too small a space, it can lead to aspiration pneumonia.

Which essential oil is dangerous for pets?

Do you want to err on the side of caution? Then don't use a diffuser or essential oil near your pet at all. Also make sure you don't have oil on your hands when using it on yourself. Below you will find a small list of EOs that are harmful to your dog, cat, bird, etc.

  • Anise (Pimpinella anisum)
  • Birch (Betula)
  • Bitter almond (Prunus dulcis)
  • Boldo (Peumus boldus)
  • Calamus (Acorus calamus)
  • Kamfor (Cinnamomum camphora)
  • Cassia (Cassia fistula)
  • Chenopodium (Chenopodium)
  • Clove (Syzygium aromaticum)
  • Garlic (Allium sativum)
  • Goose foot (Chenopodium murale)
  • Horseradish (Armoracia rusticana)
  • Hyssop (Hyssopus sp. excluding Decumbens)
  • Juniper (Juniperus sp. excluding Juniper Berry)
  • Mugwort/Mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris)
  • Mustard (Brassica juncea)
  • Oregano (Origanum vulgare)
  • Pennyroyal (Mentha pulegium)
  • Red or white thyme
  • Santolina/Saint flower (Santolina chamaecyparissus)
  • Sassafras (Sassafras albidum)
  • Savory (Satureja)
  • Tansy (Tanacetum vulgare)
  • Tea Tree Oil (Melaleuca alternifolia)
  • Terebinth/Torpentine (Pistacia palaestina)
  • Thuja/Western Arborvitae (Thuja occidental)
  • Evergreen (Galleltheria procumbens)
  • Wormwood (artemisia absinthium)
  • Yarrow/Yarrow (Achillea millefolium)

Other oils to avoid:Eucalyptus (also harmful to young children!), Citrus, Pennyroyal (Pennyroyal), Peppermint, Sugar Birch (Sweet Birch) and Ylang Ylang.

Use of essential oil for yourself

Also keep in mind that you can't just use every oil. They are highly concentrated oils that can even interact with common medications. So always pay attention to this. Many oils are also only suitable for children at an older age.

When purchasing, make sure that it is really pure oil. Many major MLM brands say they are pure, but countless studies have shown that this is pure marketing. The oils are heavily diluted and it's a pure sales ploy. Everything is intended to make the disguised pyramid scheme run smoothly, in order to achieve a lot of profit and turnover. Of course, only the highest in ranking benefit from this. Do you want good oil? Then take a look at brands such as Jacob Hooy or on the website of (good experiences with them yourself).

Do you use essential oil yourself and did you know which oil is dangerous for your dog or cat?