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Experiences with our PVC floor; how do you like the floor after half a year?

The floor has been in our living room, kitchen, dining room and hall for over six months now, and has been in the utility room and toilet for about 4 months. And I would like to share our experiences with the PVC floor with you. Not sure whether a PVC floor is for you? Or that you will still be satisfied with it after a while? Or are you thinking about something else? Please read my blog. And if you have not found the answer to your question in the article below about experiences with a PVC floor? Then just send me an email. I will be happy to answer your questions.

Table of contents

How do you like our PVC floor, experiences and tips from a user

That's actually the nicest thing, to read the experiences of a user, isn't it? That is why I thought that it might be good to write another article about it after six months. Because by now we have gained a lot more experience with the PVC floor.

First of all, I would like to discuss the PVC floor in general and our concrete look PVC floor in particular. If you read my experiences below about the PVC floor, it is important to know which PVC floor that is about. After all, there is enough difference in PVC floors. One PVC floor is not the other. It would therefore be a shame if you read my experiences and head over heels in choosing a PVC floor from another brand, or at a hardware store. My experience is not based on that. Think of it as a kind of disclaimer, haha.

PVC floor from Ambiant floors

Our PVC floor comes from Ambiant Floors. A strong PVC floor in a click variant that we installed ourselves. Knowing more? In this blog you can read more tips about installing this PVC floor yourself. We have chosen a floor from the vtwonen collection with a concrete look. The first thing that caught my eye was the PVC click tile, which has an even concrete look. Very nice and fairly tight. Really something for us. I thought. But during the decision-making process we switched to the composite look PVC floor. This floor has the same gray appearance with us (is available in several colors), but it is a bit more speckled. And we think that's a real solution.

Stains are almost invisible, according to our experience with this PVC floor

The only reason we find this a solution is the fact that we have quite a few pets and we live in the countryside. This means that the dog and the cats inadvertently drag in quite a bit of sand, mud, leaves and twigs. Not bad in itself, but it would be if I had to brush the floor every day. It really doesn't fit into my cleaning routine.

Vacuuming every day is still just fine, but daily mopping is not an option. So there is always something on the floor with us. To dirt and stains. I vacuum that dirt away, and I mop it up once in a while. But in the meantime, I still want my floor to look good. And if you see all those spots, you will only get annoyed by them. And that is the great advantage of the PVC floor that we have chosen, as is apparent from our experiences. You hardly see any stains on this floor!

Cleaning and maintenance of the PVC floor

However, just because you don't see the spots, doesn't mean they aren't there. Mopping every now and then is really necessary. That turns out to be a piece of cake with a good PVC floor. And not only can you easily mop a dryback floor that is glued, but the PVC floor in click variant can also be cleaned very well in this way.

All we do is vacuum and mop. And when I mop, I only use some warm water. Not sweltering hot, just hand warm. I wring my mop well before I mop and in no time I have mopped my PVC floor. My experiences with mopping the PVC floor are that it is smart to let the floor dry for a while after mopping. Without having to walk right over it again. Then you have the most beautiful 'start' of your clean PVC floor. So I always try to mop in such a way that I end up at my desk… I can go right back to work while the floor dries.

How do you protect your PVC floor, our experiences

At least we have a good mat at the front door and at the back door. As a result, we already get most of the dirt off our shoes. In addition, I always take off my shoes indoors and so do the children. Only Frank tends to keep his shoes on all day inside. It's a matter of education actually, but I haven't quite succeeded with that with him yet 😉 . I just wear my slippers inside.

This is in any case the first step to properly protect your PVC floor. You can also do some extra things. For example, it is smart to stick felt under most furniture. Now you may not move your furniture very often, but if there is felt under it, you can be sure that you protect your PVC floor well when moving.

No felt is advised for the dining room chairs. To be fair, I have to say that we still have felt under that at the moment. But that's only temporary until we get the caps from Scratchnomore. Felt under your chairs seems smart, but grains of sand and the like remain underneath that can eventually cause scratches if you don't remove them.

Risks of scratches in the PVC floor

So far I have not been able to discover any scratches in our PVC floor so I have no experience with that. As far as I'm concerned, that says a lot about the quality of the floor, since we don't have a household that uses the floor very economically. Not consciously, but simply because we are busy, have two teenagers in the house and many pets. In my opinion, our household is therefore the ultimate test case for a PVC floor and our experiences currently show that it performs excellently in the test. You will no doubt understand that we are very happy with this floor.