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How Often Should You Wash Everything, From Floor to Ceiling? Follow Our Guide.

How Often Should You Wash Everything, From Floor to Ceiling? Follow Our Guide.

Some time ago we were asked how often to wash his sheets.

Most people change their sheets every 10-14 days.

Others go up to 3-4 weeks between washes! Yuck...

So we thought maybe a washing guide would be useful.

Find out now how often you should wash your sheets, bra, carpet, hair and more:

How Often Should You Wash Everything, From Floor to Ceiling? Follow Our Guide.

1. How often should you wash your sheets?

Once a week.

How Often Should You Wash Everything, From Floor to Ceiling? Follow Our Guide.

Sheets should be washed often to remove buildup of debris, dust, sweat, and other sticky stuff.

Wash at 40° min. Between 50 and 60° it's even better to kill all the germs.

To discover: How to Effectively Clean Your Bedding Yourself.

2. How often should you wash your car?

Once a month.

How Often Should You Wash Everything, From Floor to Ceiling? Follow Our Guide.

If you take your car every day, you can wash it every 2-3 weeks to protect the paint.

But in most cases, once a month is more than enough.

To discover: How to properly wash the inside of your car? Tips to know.

3. How often should you wash your dog?

Once a month.

How Often Should You Wash Everything, From Floor to Ceiling? Follow Our Guide.

For the good health of your dog, it is better to avoid washing it too often.

Once a month is a good average and above all using only a shampoo adapted to your metabolism.

Of course, it also depends on the breed of the dog. Either way, use your nose!

If your pet is starting to smell or you feel his coat is greasy, then it may be time to wash him. In any case, ask your veterinarian for advice.

To discover: No More Cat Hair On The Couch With This Trick.

4. How many times can jeans be worn between washes?

Between 5 to 10 times.

How Often Should You Wash Everything, From Floor to Ceiling? Follow Our Guide.

No need to wash your jeans every time you wear them! Especially if it is not stained.

In addition, if you wash it too often you will damage it and it may wear out more quickly than normal.

To wash, turn the jeans inside out and wash in cold water. For drying, let it dry in the open air or on a heater like here.

To discover: 9 Essential Tips For Those Who Wear Jeans.

5. How many times can you wear a bra between washes?

Between 4 to 5 times.

How Often Should You Wash Everything, From Floor to Ceiling? Follow Our Guide.

The general rule is that you should never wear the same bra two days in a row.

Why ? Because the elastic needs to rest otherwise it may wear out prematurely.

It's best to have several bras that you rotate every day. By leaving a minimum of 24 hours of rest between.

By using this rotation, bras can be worn multiple times between washes.

6. How often should you wash your face?

Every night.

How Often Should You Wash Everything, From Floor to Ceiling? Follow Our Guide.

Cleansing your face every night is essential for both men and women.

Why ? This helps prevent the pores of your skin from becoming clogged. You also prevent pimples from forming overnight.

If you have oily skin (like me), it's best to wash it off in the morning as well.

To wash it, no need to buy a special product! I run my face several times under water when I'm in the shower. That's more than enough.

To discover: Baking Soda + Coconut Oil:The Best Cleanser For Problematic Skin.

7. How often should you wash your hair?

Maximum once every two days.

How Often Should You Wash Everything, From Floor to Ceiling? Follow Our Guide.

Washing your hair every day damages your hair, so it's best to wash it every other day at most.

If you don't like having oily roots, dust your hair with a homemade dry shampoo.

To discover: After 3 Years WITHOUT Using Shampoo Here's What I Learned.

8. How often should tile joints be cleaned?

Once a year.

How Often Should You Wash Everything, From Floor to Ceiling? Follow Our Guide.

To prevent the joints from blackening, it is important to clean them at least once a year.

This is true in the bathroom as well as in the kitchen.

To lighten the joints easily, you can use a super effective homemade cleaner like this one.

To discover: 7 Tips for Effectively Cleaning Tile Grouts.

9. How often should you wash your mattress?

Once every six months.

How Often Should You Wash Everything, From Floor to Ceiling? Follow Our Guide.

It's hard to believe, but know that the mattress is one of the easiest things to clean in your home!

And it should be done twice a year. You do not know how ? Check out our tip here.

Does your mattress have a blood stain? Do not panic ! Here's how to remove it.

If you want to protect your mattress and increase its lifespan, you can also get a mattress protector like this one.

To discover: How to Effectively Clean Your Bedding Yourself.

10. How often to wash the windows?

At least twice a year.

How Often Should You Wash Everything, From Floor to Ceiling? Follow Our Guide.

Whether indoors or outdoors, window washing is essential to keep your home clean.

By cleaning them regularly, you also get the most out of the outdoor sunlight.

Don't want to leave streaks on the windows? Then use our magic cleanser by clicking here.

To discover: Here's How to Clean Windows Without Streaks and Without Products.

11. How often should you wash your oven?

Once every six months.

How Often Should You Wash Everything, From Floor to Ceiling? Follow Our Guide.

Some ovens, like this one, clean themselves, but not all do.

And in addition, this type of cleaning is a big consumer of energy.

If your oven doesn't have a pyrolysis system or you don't want to blow up your electricity bill, don't worry.

Here's our tip for cleaning your oven while you sleep. And for your microwave oven, we also have a tip here.

To discover: Finally a tip for cleaning between the windows of an oven.

12. How often should you clean your carpet?

Once or twice a year.

How Often Should You Wash Everything, From Floor to Ceiling? Follow Our Guide.

Of course, it is necessary to vacuum at least once a week to remove dust and mites.

But that shouldn't stop you from deep cleaning your carpet once or twice a year.

How? 'Or' What ? It's simple, discover the secret to cleaning your carpet easily here.

To discover: The Trick to Remove Furniture Marks from Carpets.

13. How often should you clean your wooden furniture?

Once a year.

How Often Should You Wash Everything, From Floor to Ceiling? Follow Our Guide.

Your wooden furniture tarnishes over the years.

To avoid this, remember to pamper them once a year.

Just use our homemade wood cleaner. With this cleaning, your furniture will regain all its shine.

To discover: The Magic Trick To Erase Scratches On Scratched Wooden Furniture.

14. How often should you wash your handbag?

Once or twice a month.

How Often Should You Wash Everything, From Floor to Ceiling? Follow Our Guide.

Yes, we don't necessarily think about it, but handbags carry a lot of bacteria.

If you don't wash them regularly, you're good to take them home...

To avoid the development of these bacteria both inside and outside, remember to clean them once or twice a month.

Follow the label instructions or ask a sales associate how to wash your bag without damaging it.

To discover: Maintenance of a Leather Bag.

15. How often should you clean your dishwasher?

Every month.

How Often Should You Wash Everything, From Floor to Ceiling? Follow Our Guide.

The inside of a dishwasher is very humid.

As a result, fungi can quickly grow.

Even though it may seem a little weird to clean the machine that is used to clean your dishes, we highly recommend it.

Follow our tip here to clean your dishwasher easily.

To discover: Stop Buying Dishwasher Rinse Aid. Use White Vinegar.

16. How often should you clean your washing machine?

Once or twice a year.

How Often Should You Wash Everything, From Floor to Ceiling? Follow Our Guide.

Did you know that 60% of washing machines are contaminated with more or less nasty bacteria?

So don't forget to clean your washing machine once or twice a year.

How? 'Or' What ? You can do this by making a very hot machine at 90 degrees.

And if you've never cleaned your washing machine, find out how to clean it from top to bottom here.

To discover: The Trick to Easily Remove Mildew in the Washing Machine.

17. How often should you wash your pillows?

Every three to six months.

How Often Should You Wash Everything, From Floor to Ceiling? Follow Our Guide.

A study has shown that a pillow can contain up to 17 different species of fungi!

If you don't wash your pillows regularly, you are more likely to develop allergies.

So remember to wash them at least twice a year. To do this, use our homemade method here which will also whiten them.

To discover: Finally, a tip to put away AND find your bed linen easily.

18. How often should you clean your computer?

At least once every three months.

How Often Should You Wash Everything, From Floor to Ceiling? Follow Our Guide.

Computer keyboards contain five times more bacteria than toilet bowls!

When you know that only 10% of people clean their keyboard, it's time for that to change.

Yes, but how to do it ? Good question. Use this trick to clean a dirty keyboard.

And use this trick to clean your computer screen.

To discover: The Trick To Clean Between The Keys On Your Computer Keyboard.

19. How often should you clean your sink?


How Often Should You Wash Everything, From Floor to Ceiling? Follow Our Guide.

Does that sound like a lot to you?

The reason is simple:the sink contains the highest concentration of microorganisms in the house.

So you will not escape it! You should clean it every day.

To clean it easily without effort, you can use this trick.

Otherwise you can also use baking soda. See how here.