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Buy a water softener? If you can spare the investment, I say do it!

Do you want to buy a water softener but have the advantages and disadvantages at a glance? Or compare water softeners with each other and receive more information about the use and connection of a water softener? I wrote a detailed blog about it to give you all the information you are looking for. This, of course, is based on our own experiences with the water softener that we have at home.

Table of contents

Buy a water softener, read up before buying it!

If you are in doubt about purchasing a water softener, it is always good to immerse yourself in information. There are of course a number of suppliers of water softeners on the market and you can also find the necessary information there. In fact, you will probably find a little more information there than in this blog. But reading the experiences of others is also nice, right? Hence this extensive review about the water softener that we have been using for a good month.

We also have a water softener from Omega. So if after this blog you are convinced of the benefits of a water softener in your home, be sure to request a quote from them!

Why we would like to install a water softener

I will probably anticipate the advantages and disadvantages of a water softener to at least indicate with which intention we have installed a water softener. Maybe it's the same reason you have for buying a water softener, that could just be. But there are more reasons to purchase a water softener, so I will come back to that later.

As you know, our weeks of renovations are linked. Even though we have planned some rest moments in between (like now for example), plans for the next renovation are quickly made. We are now brainstorming about our bathroom renovation. Much needed because refurbishing our old bathroom is no longer an option. But for us one thing was certain. Before we start on the new bathroom (and replace our old toilet), we must first think about buying a water softener. Why? Because of the limescale in the bathroom.

We are not those extreme cleaners and drying the bathroom after we have a shower, we do not get our children educated. Admittedly, we also have some trouble with it ourselves 😉 . A water softener is the solution against limescale in your water. And therefore the solution against limescale on your tiles and your sanitary. That is probably the most well-known and biggest advantage of the water softener. In any case, for us it is the most important reason.

Do you want to buy a good water softener? Magnets don't work!

First of all, before you read any further, I would like to give you this warning. There are also magnets on the market that you could 'easily' place around your water pipe. The suppliers of these magnets claim that the magnetic field prevents minerals from causing limescale because they crystallize. Well I can tell you from my own experience that buying a magnet as a water softener is not a solution to your problem. These magnets don't work!

We have had such a magnet around our water pipe for years. In our old house, but also in our new house, there was such a magnet around the water pipe. In both cases, it has been clearly shown that these magnets do not work. The limescale has been considerable in both houses and has not changed by placing such a magnet, nor by removing the magnet. In fact, such a magnet should not even be called a water softener!

Why are those magnets still being sold? Because the companies behind it are doing good marketing. As mentioned, we also had the secret hope that they would work, and that is undoubtedly the way more people think. And since the purchase costs of such a magnet are relatively low, it sounds very attractive to buy it as a water softener. But you have now been warned:so don't do it 😉 !

Invest in a water softener; the price

Buying a water softener is a significant expense, so I totally understand that you want to think about it carefully and inform yourself about it. That is why you are of course also reading this blog 😉 . You can actually see a water softener as a luxury product. Because apart from the fact that the water softener has many advantages, it remains a hefty investment. It probably won't pay for itself in all the years you've had it. But you do enjoy it a lot, because there is no more lime in your water. A luxury product, such a water softener with many benefits to enjoy.

If you are going to buy a water softener, you should think of an amount from about € 1500.00. If you google the price of a water softener, you will come across websites such as that give a price that doesn't seem realistic to me, or where there are many snags. So don't be tempted to buy the first best water softener or make it tasty by an unrealistic price.

The advantages of a water softener

In short, I would like to list the advantages of a water softener for you. In another blog I will elaborate on those benefits, but for now I think the most important thing is that you know what to expect from a good water softener:

  1. With dot 1 😉 , no more lime in your water and therefore no more limescale
  2. The above saves a lot of cleaning work, removing limescale is no longer necessary
  3. Many people with eczema benefit greatly from using a water softener
  4. The water is much gentler on your skin; your skin dries out less quickly
  5. Your water tastes much better because of it:this is a matter of taste, but I really think the water is a lot tastier and I hear that more
  6. You probably drink more water because of the above
  7. Because there is no more lime in your water, your appliances will last much longer (think of your washing machine and dishwasher)
  8. Your coffee machine no longer needs to be descaled
  9. You can use less detergent and fabric softener is actually no longer necessary, a little laundry perfume is nice of course
  10. Better for the environment
  11. When washing windows, you no longer suffer from limescale and drying streak-free is easier
  12. Our pets (dogs and cats) find the water from their drinking bowl more pleasant to drink!
  13. Watering without lime is much better for your plants
  14. Do you spray your plants? Then it saves a lot of lime stains on the leaves that you want to brush away again 😉

The disadvantages of a water softener

Does a water softener also have disadvantages? Yes of course. So good to be aware of before buying a water softener:

  1. I already mentioned the price above, it is quite an investment
  2. When the water softener starts rinsing, it makes a sound (read more below)
  3. You have to top up salt in the salt reservoir from time to time
  4. The water softener needs to be installed (think plumber's costs) and you need a good place to place it
  5. A drain is required for your water softener so that the water used to rinse the resin can be drained
  6. Showing with soft water is really much nicer:your adolescents probably take longer under the shower 😉

I really can't think of more cons. And personally, I don't think all the drawbacks are an actual drawback. The fact that your teenager finally showers voluntarily can also be very pleasant given the smell of adolescent sweat that they sometimes carry with them.

The sound a water softener makes

I would like to go into more detail about the sound of the water softener. If you make the right choice when buying your water softener, you will probably hear this from the seller as well. At least we got this warning. However, the water softener only makes noise when it is flushing. So not if you just use water and open the tap. Only when regenerating the resin. How often you need to rinse depends on the type of water softener that you are going to buy and on your water consumption. With us, the water softener rinses about once every 5-6 days.

If you have placed the water softener in a good place, you may have hidden it so that the sound is no longer noticeable. In our case, the water softener is still in the hall, unfinished. The hall still has to be renovated and when we are ready, we will also build the water softener. In that case, the sound wouldn't be an issue at all.

But I must confess that I have not heard the water softener rinse once. Since we have been using it for a month and a half, it has already rinsed several makes of course. However, he does that at night when we sleep and then we hear nothing. Frank heard him once, when he had to go to the toilet at night and just happened to be flushed.

A lot more to tell about the water softener

I can tell you a lot more about the water softener and how to install it, but that will come later. For now I hope that I have given you enough ins and outs from our experiences with the water softener so that you can make a good choice when buying it.

When choosing the right type of water softener, keep your family situation in mind. Is there still a family expansion coming up? So pay attention to that. It would be a shame if you buy the wrong water softener now with an eye on the future. After all, our water softener comes with a 15-year warranty, without additional costs… that's how long you want to be able to enjoy it at least, right?

Do you want more information about different types of water softeners? Check out the Omega website where our water softener comes from. They have a lot more information available for you. In any case, our experience has been very positive so far.