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10 Dog Breeds That Don't Shed Much

Do you love dogs? Would you prefer a dog of your own, but are you afraid of the hair that you will find everywhere and nowhere in your house? These are 10 dog breeds that don't shed much.

A dog as a pet

When choosing a dog, you have to take a number of things into account. The most important thing about a new dog is of course the character. After all, you want a buddy for years and that is only possible if the character matches your expectations of the four-legged friend. In addition, additional care also plays a major role.

How much exercise does your dog need? How much food? Do you have to pay attention to certain things when it comes to grooming? Consider, for example, special care for the coat. The amount of hair that a dog has and can lose can also play an important role when choosing a specific dog breed.

Many people love dogs, but look up to the extra work that a four-legged friend entails. That's not surprising, because some breeds really lose a lot of hair. That entails extra work, which you may not be waiting for at all. Such as washing the fur, for example.

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Fortunately, there are also dog breeds that do not shed much, so you have less work to do. Incidentally, less shedding does not necessarily mean that these dogs are suitable for people with allergies.

10 Dog breeds that do not shed much

Unfortunately, there are no dog breeds that do not shed. Or actually:the only exception to this are hairless dogs that have no hair at all. Because different breeds have been bred here that partly do have hair, it is therefore not necessarily the case that hairless dogs do not shed at all. Less shedding does not have much to do with the length of the coat.

1. Shih Tzu

Although at first glance you would not think that this Tibetan dog breed has less shedding, this is the case. That's because the Shih-Tzu has more fur than hair. Sounds crazy, but the bottom line is that there is no moulting during the changing of the seasons. However, this breed needs much more care. You should regularly go to a groomer and the hair should be combed regularly.

2. Yorkshire Terrier

Also a breed that you would expect to lose a lot of hair. The Yorkshire terrier actually has hair that is more similar to humans. As a result, there is no moult. However, the coat must be brushed regularly, so that it remains soft.

3. Havanese

If you're looking for a cute little dog that can quickly build a good bond with its owner, then a Havanese is the one for you. The Havanese may have very soft fur on the outside, but no undercoat. This breed does not suffer from hair loss. However, the outer coat must be well cared for and combed regularly.

4. Scottish Terrier

Despite its appearance, the Scottish Terrier has virtually no hair loss. Even if you comb the fur, you will hardly be bothered by dog ​​hairs flying around. The ideal dog for people who do not like dog hair.

5. Westland White Terrier

The Westland White terrier immediately stands out because of the high cuddly content. This is not least because of the white fur. Despite the striking coat, this dog sheds only minimally. Like the aforementioned dog breeds, however, the coat should be combed and trimmed regularly.

6. Barbet or French Water Dog

We will stay with the long-haired dog breeds for a while, because the Barbet or French water dog is also a breed that does not suffer from hair loss. This is a very active dog that needs a lot of exercise.

7. Giant Schnauzer

If you're looking for a breed that grows taller, is smart and is watchful, a Giant Schnauzer is just the thing for you. Despite its appearance with a lot of hair, you have to deal with little hair loss with this breed. It is also important for this breed to regularly visit the dog grooming salon. In addition, the coat must also be brushed to prevent tangles in the undercoat.

8. Basenji

In the list of 10 dog breeds that do not shed much, there is of course also a breed with short hairs. This certainly includes the African Basenji. Since this is a dog with a manual, it is definitely not suitable for beginners. Fun fact:although the dog has a very well-developed hunting instinct, it cannot bark and is very similar in behavior to a cat.

9. Poodle

A poodle not only sheds very little, it is also a dog breed that is very suitable for people with allergies. Because poodles do not have an undercoat, they do not suffer from moulting during the change of seasons. However, the outer coat continues to grow, so you regularly have to go to a groomer with your dog.

10. Puli

If you look at a puli, you will probably not immediately think that this dog does not shed and is suitable for people with allergies. Not surprising, because the Puli has a long felted coat as an adult. As a result, the dog's coat looks a lot like dreadlocks.

You don't even have to comb the fur, on the contrary, just leave the fur alone. The dog does not shed, but the long dreadlocks make sure that dirt and mess can easily get stuck in the coat during a walk. The fur can also start to smell after a swim.

Dogs that do not shed and allergy sufferers

The fact is, dogs that shed less hair are a lot easier for allergy sufferers to handle. Unfortunately, not moulting or losing hair is no guarantee that the dog is actually suitable for people with dog allergies. This is because the allergy is triggered by the protein CAN F1.

This protein is transferred to the fur and dander through saliva. Unfortunately, there are no dog breeds that are completely hypoallergenic. There are, however, various breeds, such as the poodle, that are suitable for people with allergies.

It is always useful to do an allergy test before purchasing a dog. Because the amount of CAN F1 protein can differ not only from breed to breed, but also from dog to dog.

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