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6 Automated Pet Products That Make Pet Ownership Easier

Owning a pet can be a tough job Dog Owners:5 Android Apps To Help With Your Furry Friend Dog Owners:5 Android Apps To Help With Your Furry Friend A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves himself, but you can still make him love you a little more with these great android apps. Read more . Making sure your furry friend is fed, watered, exercised, and up to date on their shots can be costly and costly.

Most owners (myself included) would retort that the love and compassion their pet provides more than outweighs the downsides. Secretly, though, I think we'd all admit that a little helping hand now and then would be greatly appreciated.

Fortunately, technology now has the ability to improve and help you. Here we take a look at six automated pet products that will make your life so much easier...

Self-cleaning cat litter box

Unlike dogs, cats can be self-sufficient for long periods of time. Going on Vacation 7 Little Known Secrets to Getting Cheap Vacations on Groupon 7 Little Known Secrets to Getting Cheap Vacations on Groupon You can find great travel deals on Groupon, but you need to make sure you're not fooled into spending more money than you need to. Here are our top 7 tips. Read More

The only caveat to this is her litter box. Garfield is a creature of habit, and if you're going to let him use the cat flap while you're not home, you'll need to make sure the toilet area is cleaned and refreshed frequently.

The solution is the CatGenie Self-Cleaning Litter Box. It's not cheap at around $225, but the features make it worth the price.

The system will automatically flush and sanitize, is odor and germ free, and has multiple settings that determine how often it flushes. Garfield will be in heaven.

iFetch interactive dog toy

If you are a dog owner, then you will recognize this situation. It's cold, dark and wet, and Fido has suddenly decided it's the perfect time to play a game of fetch. Any responsible owner knows that it's vital to get your dog plenty of exercise, but wouldn't it be nice if sometimes that didn't mean you had to exercise too?

The iFetch advances. Suitable for small to medium sized canines, simply plug it in and the device does the rest. Have Fido drop the ball at the top, and the machine will launch the ball up to 30 meters. It's very durable so you don't have to worry about Fido knocking it over or trying to eat it for lunch, and because of its size it's also portable.

The only problem? Can You Train Fido 6 Dog Reactive Training Websites For Stressed Owners? 6 Reactive Dog Training Websites for Stressed Owners. When you can better understand and manage your dog's reactivity, you'll feel better and you'll both have a better, less stressful life. Here are some great resources. Read More

Self-cleaning Tropical Fish Tank [No Longer Available]

It's not just four-legged creatures that can cost their owners a lot of money. Having tropical fish swimming around a tank in your waiting room may seem like a great idea, but once you add in the cost of cleaning supplies, filters, food, and water changes, the bill starts to add up.

Unfortunately, if you don't want Nemo to catch a nasty bug, you have to be on top of those tasks.

Until now.

Avo That Was Kickstarter Funded 6 Smart Home Kickstarter Campaigns You Should Totally Give Back 6 Smart Home Kickstarter Campaigns You Should Back Here's a list of six of the best projects currently running on Kickstarter that will help you improve life in the House. Read More It works by collecting the ammonia discharge from the fish, converting it to nitrate in the self-contained filter, and then returning it to the plants that help keep the water clean.

Robotic mouse

Just like dogs, cats also need an element of excitement in their lives. They are born predators, loving nothing more than to chase, kick and attack anything in their path. It could be a small bird, a ball of wool, or a robotic mouse.

Mousr is another Kickstarter project, and like Avo, its developers have a year-end ship date.

The gadget is designed to mimic a cat's natural prey. It has sensors along the sides that will recognize a cat's paw, a 360-degree camera that will allow you to dodge the cat, and a computer chip that will learn your cat's approach methods over time and therefore Therefore, it will do better to avoid being attacked. trapped.

It's expected to cost around $100 at launch, but at least it'll save you money on reupholstering your sofa.

GPS collar for pets

According to statistics, 10 million pets are lost every year. LostPetAtlas:Online Directory of Lost Pets LostPetAtlas:Directory of Online and Lost Pets Read more. Being taken away from Fido or Garfield can be a traumatic experience, especially if you never meet them again.

Fortunately, there are now smart collars on the market that will reduce the chances of you being permanently separated.

One device is the Tagg GPS Pet Tracker. It uses GPS, an accelerometer, and cellular wireless technology to give you your pet's exact location at all times, and has the ability to alert you via text or email if they stray too far from your home. It's especially useful if you live in the country and roam your animal over a large area.

It also syncs its data with a smartphone app, allowing you to see exactly where your pet has been all day and gives you insight into whether they've gotten enough exercise to stay fit and healthy.

Dog activity monitor

You don't want a fat Fido. It's bad for your joints, bad for your heart, and bad for your wallet. Both You and Your Dog Need to Stay Fit 5 Android Running Apps to Help You Work Out and Stay Fit 5 Android Running Apps to Help You Exercise and Stay Fit Read More .

A great all-in-one solution is the Whistle Activity Monitor. Her goal is to give him the tools to stop Fido from losing control of his belly with a simple necklace accessory.

When you're on the same Wi-Fi network as the collar, all the data it collects throughout the day is synced to a smartphone app. The app will allow you to set customizable fitness goals, control meal times and sizes, monitor medications and vaccinations, download charts to track long-term trends, and engage in the social aspect of dog health through of the Whistle Community.

The device costs $99, but it should last a long time:it's waterproof, shockproof, and "rugged." The battery lasts seven days and is recharged through a special USB port.

What devices do you use??

Have you already dragged your pet into the age of smart devices? What devices have you used? Which one do you like? Which one do you hate?

You may prefer to stick with the more traditional ones. "rearing" techniques?

Whatever your situation, we'd love to hear about it. You can let us know your stories in the comments below.