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17 Lifehacks That Prove Our Grandparents Were Much Greener Than Us.

17 Lifehacks That Prove Our Grandparents Were Much Greener Than Us.

There are so many things we can learn from our greats -parents.

Including in matters of ecology, conservation of nature and natural resources!

Thinking about it, I found tons of green stuff my grandparents used to do.

At the time, everyone was "green"... it's just that we did it naturally, without knowing it!

Like what, when you think about it, our parents and grandparents were green before their time!

Here are 17 tips that prove that our grandparents were much greener than us (without knowing it). Watch:

17 Lifehacks That Prove Our Grandparents Were Much Greener Than Us.

1. They used to dry their laundry in the sun

17 Lifehacks That Prove Our Grandparents Were Much Greener Than Us.

Okay, clothes dryers may have made great strides in energy efficiency…

Even so…

The clothes dryer is one of the appliances that consume the most energy at home!

Moreover, to wash your clothes in an eco-responsible way , experts advise not to use a clothes dryer anymore.

So, the alternative?

It's to dry your clothes in the sun, like our grandparents did.

In addition, systematically drying your laundry in the open air increases its lifespan.

And frankly, what could be better than falling asleep in good, clean sheets that have dried in the sun?

To discover: 18 Clothes Racks To Dry Your Clothes Faster (And Save Money).

2. They grew their own fruits &vegetables

17 Lifehacks That Prove Our Grandparents Were Much Greener Than Us.

The coolest thing about growing your own fruits and vegetables?

It's this incredible feeling of pride and achievement!

And above all, it means that you can eat delicious natural products without using pesticides cra-cra.

Yes, because when you grow your own fruits and vegetables...

YOU decide what goes into your vegetable garden soil.

And also what kind of seeds you plant and grow, including the best tomato varieties!

It's simple:my grandparents ALWAYS grew their own fruits and vegetables.

And it's not complicated:all you need is soil, water and sun!

To discover: 23 Market Gardening Tips For A Successful First Vegetable Garden.

3. They put their food in jars

17 Lifehacks That Prove Our Grandparents Were Much Greener Than Us.

Canning the food you grow in the vegetable garden allows it to be stored longer.

But also to store them WITHOUT having to use a huge freezer.

In the past, my grandmother kept dozens and dozens of jars in the pantry of her house.

Back then, we didn't waste food!

If we put our food in jars like our grandparents did, there would be much less waste .

Doesn't that make you want to try?

Click here to find out how to make your own canned vegetables.

4. They collected rainwater

17 Lifehacks That Prove Our Grandparents Were Much Greener Than Us.

Would you like to save thousands of liters of water during periods of great heat?

Instead of using a barrel like our ancestors did…

All you need is a rainwater collector, like this one.

And that's not all...

It also allows you to do your part in the conservation of an increasingly limited resource:water.

Especially if you live in an area like mine, with a hot climate.

And by collecting rainwater, you also help relieve overloaded networks of rainwater collection.

To discover: Use a Rain Collector to Collect Water for Free.

5. They (almost) always cooked at home

17 Lifehacks That Prove Our Grandparents Were Much Greener Than Us.

Nothing like home-cooked meals.

And preparing your own meals at home is as good for the planet as it is for your wallet!


Those who cook often tend to use far fewer packaged ingredients.

And that means much less packaging , whether paper or plastic.

Maybe you buy your ingredients from local producers or grow your own vegetables?

Well done! Because short circuits reduce the carbon footprint of food even more!

It's a lot less miles to travel to get your food to your plate.

To discover: 21 Truly Incredible Cooking Hacks Nobody Knows About!

6. They only went to restaurants for special occasions

17 Lifehacks That Prove Our Grandparents Were Much Greener Than Us.

Today, it is not uncommon for us to go out to eat at a restaurant several times a week!

But in our grandparents' time, restaurant meals were reserved for special occasions .

Even fast food, which was not widespread at the time, was considered a small luxury.

Before hitting the road for a long drive, my grandparents always cooked a meal.

To keep it, they put it in a big cooler.

That way, we had a real family meal on a picnic table, by the side of the road!

7. They knew how to have a good time without spending money

17 Lifehacks That Prove Our Grandparents Were Much Greener Than Us.

Today we spend a lot of time and money on entertainment and activities.

For our grandparents, the concept of entertainment was much simpler .

During the day, we spent more time outdoors.

And in the evening, we indulged in board games, reading and other hobbies.

Go to the cinema ? Or at a concert?

Wow! At the time, it was extremely rare, and above all considered a great luxury.

By doing more free activities with family or friends, you have a lot to gain.

This allows you to save a lot of money and spend unforgettable moments with your loved ones!

To discover: 23 Great Activities to Do as a Couple WITHOUT Breaking the Bank.

8. They drank tap water

17 Lifehacks That Prove Our Grandparents Were Much Greener Than Us.

When our grandparents were thirsty, they drank tap water.

But certainly not in a plastic bottle who comes from the other side of the country!

Drink bottled water? The idea would have seemed ridiculous 100 years ago…

But today, plastic bottles are unavoidable!

And yet, bottled water has an ecological impact 3500 times higher than tap water.

To discover: 16 Simple Tricks To Reduce Your Plastic Waste.

9. They brought a bowl to work

17 Lifehacks That Prove Our Grandparents Were Much Greener Than Us.

My grandparents never went to work without their precious bowls!

And they were right to bring their meals to work.

Why ? Because it drastically reduces waste and unnecessary waste.

Canteens and fast-food type restaurants generally serve meals in packaging that ends up in the recycling center.

Admittedly, preparing a meal in advance requires a little bit of effort on your part.

But believe in my experience… over time, preparing a meal in advance quickly becomes a habit.

And afterwards, it's all good!

It's much greener, plus you save money and eat healthier!

To discover: 15 Recipes to Cook Leftovers and Stop Wasting.

10. They let the kids play outside more often

17 Lifehacks That Prove Our Grandparents Were Much Greener Than Us.

Before, everyone played hopscotch, jacks and hide and seek...

But also cat, roller skates and one, two, three, sun.

The list is so long... We knew how to have fun in the playground!

Being outdoors helps children build connections with nature and their environment.

Playing outside encourages us to discover outdoor activities, sports and environmental protection.

To discover: 8 Scientific Reasons To Let Your Kids PLAY OUTSIDE Much More Often.

11. They fixed things instead of throwing them away

17 Lifehacks That Prove Our Grandparents Were Much Greener Than Us.

Our grandparents weren't big consumers, unlike most people today.

They very seldom bought new things.

What if an object was worn, broken or had a hole? Above all, we didn't throw it away!

We were trying to fix it or mend it.

Very often, Christmas and birthday gifts were homemade!

And we usually inherited clothes and toys from our big brothers and sisters.

For our grandparents, it was completely normal to repair, reuse or give objects a second life.

Indeed, it allowed them to save money.

And without realizing it, that also made them real eco-friendly before their time!

To discover: 15 Sewing Tricks Your Grandma Should Have Taught You.

12. They spent more time outdoors

17 Lifehacks That Prove Our Grandparents Were Much Greener Than Us.

In our grandparents' day, there were only two reasons to spend the day at home…

Either we were sick or we were scolded!

Everyone was playing outside, in the open air .

The children's playground was the outside world, from dawn to dusk!

And we, can we say the same thing about our children?

In the digital age, with our smartphones, our tablets and our social networks...

Let's try to spend more time outdoors!

It's a great way to disconnect from screens:for you, your children and the whole family!

To discover: 29 Cartoons That Show How Smartphones Have Taken Control Of Our Lives.

13. They spent a lot of time with their friends

17 Lifehacks That Prove Our Grandparents Were Much Greener Than Us.

Before Facebook, Insta and WhatsApp… our grandparents took the time to talk to others in person .

Research proves it:

Those who spend time with the people around them are healthier and live longer…

Maybe that's the secret of longevity!

It's knowing how to take the time and have a good time with friends and family!

To discover: Grandparents Who Babysit Have Less Risk of Developing Alzheimer's.

14. They used grandmother's remedies on a daily basis

17 Lifehacks That Prove Our Grandparents Were Much Greener Than Us.

We all know the natural and effective home remedies , which have been passed down from generation to generation.

For example, did you know that you can easily fight a cold with garlic, ginger and onions? Here is the magic concoction.

Or:did you know that you can relieve an insect bite with lavender oil?

To discover: 61 Proven Home Remedies — Don't Miss #38!

15. They made their own cleaning products

17 Lifehacks That Prove Our Grandparents Were Much Greener Than Us.

To keep their homes perfectly clean, our grandparents used a maximum of 3/4 basic products.

They didn't spend their money on chemicals bought from the local supermarket!

And good news:all these ingredients work just as well today as they did 100 years ago!

To clean their house from top to bottom, they used these 100% natural products , cheap and ultra effective:

- baking soda

- white vinegar

- lemon

- Marseille soap

- black soap

- essential oils

16. They used public transport and bicycle

17 Lifehacks That Prove Our Grandparents Were Much Greener Than Us.

To go to work, our grandparents had to walk or cycle.

Back then, many more people used public transport.

Normal, since very few people had a car!

And for children, the same:to go to school, it was on foot or by bike.

This makes you think:what if we, too, drove as little as possible by car?

This would not only allow us to save a lot of gas, but also help the planet.

To discover: The 20 Benefits of Cycling:Why You Should Ride Every Day.

17. They recycled much better than us

17 Lifehacks That Prove Our Grandparents Were Much Greener Than Us.

Our grandparents did not know about sorting and recycling centers.

But they knew how to give a second life everyday objects!

For example, they reused old clothes to make quilts.

And the glass bottles? Especially not in the trash, the glass was recorded.

All the bottles were collected and returned to the producers to be washed, sterilized and reused.

As long as you could reuse or give an object a second life, you wouldn't throw it away!

To discover: 22 Ingenious Ways to Recycle Your Glass Bottles.

Your turn…

And you, do you know any other green tricks your grandmother used? Share them with us in the comments. We can't wait to read you!