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Window sill decoration:9 varieties of plants and flowers to enhance it!

Spring is just around the corner and you would like to flower your window sill ? What a good idea ! The plants, when installed at the window, on the balcony or the terrace, dress our exterior and give us the impression of an urban garden nearby . In addition, they are a real asset for biodiversity in the city. But, which plant to install as soon as the good weather returns? Opt for seasonal varieties, which ensure abundant flowering , which will brighten the view. Primroses, pansies, but also bulbous plants such as hyacinths, narcissus or Greek anemone, will be a very good choice.

Flowering your windowsill:things to know

Before Installing Plants and Flowers on the sill of your window or on your balcony, check the regulations of your co-ownership or the local regulations (municipal decree, prefectural). Sometimes they forbid it. If this is not the case, you can totally place your plants, but beware of the risk of falling. Planters terracotta must be very well fixed and secure so as not to risk falling on the head of a passer-by. Fasten it very securely or wedge it behind the rigid guardrail. In addition, prefer the inner side of the window edge to place the pots. In the event of a fall, your civil liability would be engaged! Finally, consider the cups, so that the water from the plants does not run along the facade or on passers-by.

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