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Tips on what to eat while moving

Unfortunately, cooking is all too often neglected during a move. That's why I share tips on what to eat while moving. In most cases a move means a lot of stress. Your things have to be packed, everything has to be moved from one house to another. After that you have to start furnishing and of course you want to leave your old house clean.

The stress of moving is called

I don't know how many times I've moved in my life. Besides normal moves from one place to another I have already emigrated 2x and 1x remigrated, so I have quite some experience in moving. The last move has just been completed (read 2 weeks ago). I never get used to a move:it is always a lot of stress and hassle to get everything finished on time, especially when there is little help. Anyway, this time I made it. Although I must be honest with you that not everything is in order in the new house.

After all, there is so much involved and before everything has found the right place again, that takes time. Especially if your daughter is busy with her HAVO exam, your son lets all kinds of parts end up on my hand and foot while moving a cupboard… Slowly but surely it will all work out. And in this I follow my mother's wise words:you can't fix everything in one day, take your time.

Tips what to eat while moving

As I said, I have just moved house again. Unfortunately, during the move, cooking was neglected and it was mainly fast food meals that were eaten. My son didn't mind, my daughter didn't like it anymore and neither did I. This was mainly due to the fact that the move came quite unexpectedly and everything had to be completed within a little more than a week. That could have been done differently, I thought afterwards. That is why I have collected some tips to put easy and simple, yet tasty and healthy meals on the table during the move.

  • Eating fresh may be a bit more difficult, especially if you are used to making everything yourself. To be able to eat as fresh as possible:opt for ready-cut salad, vegetables and pre-cooked potatoes
  • Some dishes can stand on the stove for hours, that only makes them tastier. Think of goulash and soups. Preferably use a slow cooker for this
  • Choose easy and quick dishes such as mashed potatoes with spinach and a fried egg or a piece of meat or make a pan of macaeroni with cheese and ham
  • Cold dishes, especially meal salads, also do well:make a large pan of macaeroni and make a salad. You can eat this for two days. That also applies to potato salad.
  • Picking up something or having it delivered to your home isn't a disaster either, don't take it too seriously. Healthy and good food will come once you are over
  • Make sure you plan well. If you know that you will be moving in a few weeks, make sure you prepare meal prepping in advance. During the move you can simply enjoy delicious cooked food from your freezer
  • Enlist the help of family and friends and ask them to take turns cooking for you
  • There is nothing wrong with a hearty sandwich with some boiled or fried eggs
  • It is not a disaster to try a meal from the freezer or the refrigerator from the supermarket
  • Make sure you take some time in between to eat something healthy:a handful of nuts, a piece of fruit, a bowl of yogurt… that makes a huge difference and also gives you extra energy to get back on track

Reading tip:7 Tips to renovate the bathroom

Do you have any tips on what to eat during the move? I am very curious.