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Strawberries planting, harvesting, care, propagation, wintering

In this article you will find everything you need to know about strawberry planting, harvesting, care, propagation and wintering. With a number of strawberry recipes as a bonus to optimally enjoy your own fresh strawberries.

Planting, harvesting, caring, propagating, overwintering strawberries

A popular fruit in the summer is the strawberry. Soon the shelves will be full of delicious strawberries again and we can feast on these red, summer delicacies. By growing strawberries yourself, you can enjoy strawberries from your own garden. In this article you will find everything you need to know about strawberry planting, harvesting, strawberry plant care, overwintering strawberries and a number of strawberry recipes to fully enjoy delicious, fresh strawberries.

Strawberry (Fragaria x Ananassa) plants

To make the right choice from the many types of strawberry plants on offer, you first have to think about what you want to do with the strawberries. Should they be planted in the ground or in a pot? There are also different types of strawberry plants that can be used differently. It is best to inquire at the garden center for this. The flavors differ slightly from each other. Whichever variety you choose with regard to strawberry planting, harvesting, care, propagation, overwintering is actually the same for every plant.

A good strawberry plant can be recognized by:
– The plant has at least 3-4 well-developed leaves
– A well-developed heart
– A strong root neck
– And healthy and many carrots

Plant strawberries in July or early August, but never later than mid-September. Do not plant when the sun is shining brightly, but preferably on a cloudy day.

Suitable soil and the right place for planting strawberries

Strawberries in the ground require more care than strawberries that are only planted in a pot. The strawberry develops the largest of its hair roots at a depth of 20 to 25 cm. The soil must therefore be reworked at least 25 cm deep before planting in the open ground. The soil must be fertilized (not with fresh manure) and free of all weeds.

The strawberry shows optimal growth on intermediate loamy sandy soils or sandy loamy soils, with sufficient humus and nutrients in the soil. These soils can be neutral or slightly acidic. Pure sandy soils dry out too quickly and too strongly and heavy clay soils are too cold and can become too wet. In our backyards, however, the strawberry can be grown on almost all soils and places, if an appropriate microclimate is provided.

The best place is a sheltered place where there is not too much wind, to prevent dehydration. The plant needs sufficient rainfall (600-700 ml), but too much water will promote gray mold on the fruits.

Strawberry plant care

If the strawberry plants are in the open ground, they must be cared for carefully. After planting, make sure to wet the soil thoroughly. If it has been dry for a long time, the strawberry plants should be lightly watered twice a day (preferably with rainwater):in the morning and in the evening. The surroundings of strawberry plants should be kept free of weeds, whereby the soil can be slightly raked. As soon as fruits are formed, it is advisable to sprinkle sawdust or wood chips under the fruits. This is to prevent the fruits from coming into contact with the ground and being splashed with soil when watering.

Potassium fertilizer should not be used between flowering and harvesting time of strawberries. Foliar fertilization containing trace elements increases the plant's resistance to gray mold and frost.

Fertilizing and watering after the first harvest is a must to promote a large harvest. Sufficiently moist soil must be ensured, especially at the end of flowering, after harvesting and at the end of  summer.

When can you harvest strawberries?

Strawberry plants will give the first crop in June if planted on time. After the first crop, the plants will yield the next crop 6-8 weeks later, during which they will flower and bear fruit until the first frost. To allow the last fruits to mature, it is recommended to remove the flowers and small, unripe fruits at the beginning of October. Fertilizing and watering after the first harvest is a must to promote a large harvest. When it is warm, it is advisable not to pick strawberries during the day, but early in the morning or late at night. The fruits quickly become very soft and rot easily.

How can you propagate strawberry plants?

Strawberry plants will get their own layers, which can then be removed from the mother plant to be planted. So if you start with 4-5 plants, you will soon have 15-20 plants by the end of the first year. The young deposits should be sorted by usefulness by looking at the leaves, heart and roots.

Can strawberry plants overwinter?

Strawberry plants can easily survive the winter if they are protected against (strong) frost. When there is frost without snowfall, the soil can be covered with twigs, straw or wicker. If there is snow, the strawberry plants must be protected against the snow by, for example, stretching foil over it.

Picking strawberries with children

Do you not have a garden or possibility to plant strawberries yourself? Don't worry, you will find places where you can pick strawberries for a fee. A nice outing with children is Kalter in IJsselmuiden where children (and you as a parent too, of course) can pick strawberries.

Two delicious summer strawberry recipes

Now that you know everything about strawberry planting, harvesting, care, propagation, overwintering, you naturally want to enjoy fresh, harvested strawberries. It is best to rinse the strawberries and simply eat them straight from the hand. Or combine it with delicious pancakes. However, if you want something different, you will find two delicious summer strawberry recipes here.

Strawberry cupcakes

Delicious fruity strawberry cupcakes, prepared with fresh strawberries, both in the dough and incorporated in the frosting.

For the dough
150 g Sugar
1 teaspoon Vanilla sugar
2 Eggs
175 g Flour
1 teaspoon Baking powder
Pinch of Salt
50 ml Milk
150 g Strawberries, finely chopped
100 g Butter (soft)

For the frosting
60 g Butter (soft)
60 g Fresh Cream Cheese
50 g Chopped strawberries
350 g Powdered sugar
Possibly some strawberries to decorate the cupcakes (on the frosting )

The dough is prepared as follows
Beat butter, sugar and vanilla sugar until it becomes a thick cream. Mix in the eggs one at a time. Mix flour with baking powder and a pinch of salt and alternately beat with the milk under the butter-egg mixture. Finally, add the strawberry pieces and fold gently into the dough. Divide the dough evenly between the muffin tins and bake for 20 minutes at 170°C. Let it cool on a baking rack.

The frosting is prepared as follows
Mix all ingredients together and beat vigorously until a creamy mass is formed. If the frosting is too soft, you can add some powdered sugar. Store in the refrigerator until use. Before use, place in a piping bag and pipe onto the cupcakes. Garnish with fresh strawberry pieces if desired.

Strawberry chocolate lollipops (strawberry in chocolate)

Nothing beats fresh strawberries in combination with… chocolate! Make delicious strawberry chocolate lollipops yourself now.

Cocktail sticks
Piece of oasis covered with aluminum foil (this is where the cocktail sticks are inserted)

Chocolate (dark or milk)

1. Melt the chocolate in a bowl set over a pan of hot water
2. Wash the strawberries, de-crown them and stick them on the cocktail sticks
3. Once the chocolate has melted, dip the cocktail stick with the strawberry on top into the chocolate, drain briefly and place upside down in the oasis (so that excess chocolate drips off)
4. Let it cool down and enjoy delicious strawberry chocolate lollipops

Not in the mood for difficult or extensive recipes? Then throw a handful of strawberries with some mint in a pitcher with water and enjoy refreshing and healthy water with a taste!

Do you also have strawberries on your balcony or in the garden? And what do you make from fresh strawberries or do you like to eat the strawberries right away?