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13 Questions Everyone Has About VINEGAR.

13 Questions Everyone Has About VINEGAR.

Cider vinegar, white vinegar, balsamic vinegar...

Vinegar is an incredible product with multiple uses.

In the kitchen or for the home, it is absolutely essential.

At, it is one of our favorite natural products.

But finally, how well do we know vinegar? Not so sure...

Here are 13 questions (and their answers) that everyone has about vinegar . Watch:

13 Questions Everyone Has About VINEGAR.

1. What is vinegar?

To put it simply, vinegar is "sour wine", in other words, wine that has gone sour.

More precisely, it is wine (or any other alcohol), which gave acetic acid while fermenting.

It is composed of a majority of water at more than 90%, a dose of acetic acid (5 to 8%) and a small amount of alcohol.

2. How many kinds of vinegar are there?

White vinegar, cider vinegar, wine vinegar and balsamic vinegar... These are the best known.

But there are plenty more! Some are classic, others more exotic or even downright surprising.

Many vinegars are made from fruits or grains.

Examples include colored alcohol vinegar, sherry vinegar, rice vinegar, red or white wine vinegar, honey vinegar, date vinegar...

And it's not over!

There is also mango, fig, prickly pear, sugar cane, pear, beer, grapefruit, maple syrup, palm, not to mention Banyuls vinegar.

Not to mention the flavored vinegars:with thyme, garlic, herbs, raspberry, walnuts, lavender...

So there is no limit, except the imagination, to make vinegar!

To discover: White Vinegar, Spirit Vinegar, Household Vinegar:What's The Difference?

3. How to make your own vinegar

Yes and it's easy! There are 2 grandmother's recipes for making vinegar.

The first is to make it completely yourselffrom fruit. Like for example with leftover apples for apple cider vinegar. Find out how here.

And the second recipe is made with leftover wine bottles. We explain how to do it here.

You can also easily make apple cider vinegar from apple juice. Find out how here.

Or, simply flavor and flavor cider vinegar or alcohol with fruits, spices, shallots, raspberries or herbs.

And if you're curious, we also explain how white vinegar is made.

4. Where to buy your vinegar?

Whether it is called white, alcohol or crystal vinegar, it is very easily found in supermarkets, DIY stores and grocery stores.

It is not only multi-purpose for cleaning the house or garage, DIY, gardening, but above all it is ultra economical.

It is sold in most cases in a 1 liter bottle or a 5 liter can, especially in Canada.

For other vinegars, such as cider vinegar, balsamic vinegar, scented or flavored vinegars, go to a supermarket, organic stores, delicatessens.

You will also find some on the market or from local producers.

5. How much does it cost?

The good news is that it costs next to nothing!

White vinegar has a quality/price ratio that defies all competition.

It is usually sold between 30 and 50 cents per liter.

Discover our price comparison by supermarket here.

The other vinegars are sold much more expensive.

Basic vinegars are sold for around 4 euros per litre.

But some can cost a veritable small fortune. This is the case of balsamic vinegar or sherry vinegar.

6. What to do with vinegar?

With white vinegar, the answer is simple:absolutely everything!

The possibilities are endless!

You can clean your whole house, wash and disinfect the kitchen, descale the toilets and the bathroom, replace the fabric softener...

But that's not all ! You can also save money on laundry, unclog pipes, weed, descale the coffee machine.

White vinegar is also the perfect product for cleaning the fridge or the microwave, chasing flies, deodorizing etc.

For home remedies and homemade beauty treatments, apple cider vinegar is usually used.

I therefore advise you to head to our article on the subject which explains the uses of apple cider vinegar that everyone should know.

But most of the time, you can replace it with rice or wine vinegar.

Without forgetting that vinegar is an essential ally for cooking delicious dishes.

7. How to store vinegar?

For storing vinegar, it couldn't be simpler!

Once the bottle is opened, you don't even need to put it in the fridge.

Just store it away from light in a closet.

With vinegar, you are sure not to make a mess or store it badly.

8. How long to keep it?

Thanks to the acid it contains, vinegar is a natural preservative.

This is also why it is used to preserve pickles or herrings.

As a result, you can imagine:vinegar does not expire. It has an unlimited lifespan or almost.

Even if you see an expiration date on your bottle of vinegar, don't pay too much attention to it!

She is mainly there to make you throw away your old vinegar (always effective and good) and make you buy a new bottle.

As we said, vinegar is a natural preservative. So there is no need to add any preservative to preserve it.

When reading the composition of the vinegar, if you see that a preservative has been added, put the bottle down and choose another one.

To discover: 19 Ingenious Ways to Use "Pickle Juice".

9. There is a deposit in the bottle, the vinegar changes color, is this normal?

White vinegar is a liquid that does not move or change color.

There will be no changes regardless of how long it is kept.

On the other hand, the appearance of other vinegars may change.

The color may change, it may become cloudy and have deposits forming.

But rest assured! Your vinegar remains good and retains its properties and qualities.

10. What is the 5%, 6%, 8% or 10% percentage on the bottles?

No, even if acetic acid results from the fermentation of alcohol, it is not the alcohol content of vinegar.

The percentage written on the bottles is the acidity rate for 1 liter of water.

In general, we use an 8 or 10% vinegar for cleaning, cleaning and canning.

To learn more about the difference between the different appellations and the acidity level, I advise you to take a look at this article.

11. How to use vinegar?

Whatever its use, cleaning, maintenance or remedy, it can be used pure or diluted.

It can also be mixed with other natural products, such as Marseille soap, baking soda or dishwashing liquid.

My advice ? Put it in a spray. You'll see, it's super practical for cleaning and cleaning windows and mirrors for example.

All you have to do is spray it on the surface to be cleaned and wipe it down with a sponge or cloth.

To discover: 3 Top Secret Tips For Cleaning With White Vinegar.

12. Is its acidity dangerous?

Not at all!

Contrary to what you can read in forums or on some blogs, you can put it on your skin...

...and even drink it without running any risk!

Of course, it's all about measurement. Of course, you shouldn't abuse it or have a gastric problem.

Not to mention that it's not very good in terms of taste.

But let's not forget that we regularly ingest other very acidic products on a daily basis such as Coke or lemon.

So just don't do anything and follow all the good advice from

To discover: 5 mistakes not to make with white vinegar.

13. Is it a good eco-friendly product?

White vinegar (or alcohol) is inexpensive, cleans almost anything, and is safe for the environment.

Unlike many expensive, chemical-laden household products!

Most of the time, we ignore the effects of some 100,000 chemical molecules that make up everyday household products.

The only harm we can blame white vinegar for is its smell.

And still there are simple and effective solutions to perfume it naturally.

One thing's for sure, he won't poison you!

To discover: Bleach Or White Vinegar:Which Product To Use For Cleaning?

Your turn...

Have more questions about vinegar? Ask us in the comments. We can't wait to read you!