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Clogged pipes? Don't Throw Your Hair Down the Drains.

Clogged pipes? Don t Throw Your Hair Down the Drains.

Do your drains regularly clog?

It's super annoying... and impractical.

What if your drains are clogged with hair?

Hair should not be thrown into the drains, this helps to keep them clean as long as possible.

And not having to unclog them!

Recover hair and body hair

Clogged pipes? Don t Throw Your Hair Down the Drains.

When we comb our hair, when we wash our hair or when we shave, there is obviously hair or body hair in the sink or bathtub.

The good habit to adopt is to collect these hairs or these hairs in the bathtub, the shower or the sink to throw them in the trash.

Hair is very often the cause of blockages in the pipes because they get stuck and quickly accumulate with other dirt.

Effective prevention

Might as well make this little recovery effort to avoid ending up with clogged drains. It only takes a few minutes of your time, it's not much. And then you're finally at peace!

And the best tip for not having to unclog the pipes every four mornings, it's prevention .

Retrieving the hair before it gets stuck in the drains will save you money and time as you will have far fewer problems later on.

If the whole family takes this good habit, you will no longer need to call a plumber or buy products to overcome clogged pipes.

Your turn...

Do you have any other tips for this problem? Tell us in the comments. We can't wait to read you!