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How To Store Your Glasses To Avoid Scratching The Lenses?

How To Store Your Glasses To Avoid Scratching The Lenses?

Glasses cases take up a lot of space. If like me, you don't store your glasses in their case, because you don't even know where they are, then this trick will please you.

My sunglasses (I don't have prescription glasses or they'd be in bad shape) were still casually sitting on a shelf in the middle of an organized mess. But that was before.

Before I discovered this very practical trick to store my glasses without them taking up space and to store them while ensuring that the lenses will not be scratched.

How To Store Your Glasses To Avoid Scratching The Lenses?

Now that your glasses are no longer at risk of getting scratched in your drawers. I have a little tip to show you how to clean glasses so they look like new.

And if, like me, your glasses or sunglasses keep slipping off your nose, read this tip and your problem should be solved.

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