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The tip to put an end to dust mites at home.

The tip to put an end to dust mites at home.

Dust mites cause many allergies in many people.

These allergies are due to dust mite droppings that irritate the respiratory tract.

Dust mites lodge in mattresses, rugs, carpets and armchairs.

Fortunately, there is a trick to get rid of it naturally.

The trick is to use baking soda. Watch:

The tip to put an end to dust mites at home.

How to

1. Sprinkle the mattress, rug, carpet or chair with baking soda.

2. Apply an even coat over the entire surface.

3. Brush the surface in the direction of the fibers to make the bicarbonate penetrate.

4. Leave to stand for at least four hours.

5. Vacuum.


And There you go ! You got rid of the mites :-)

No more allergies and the irritations they cause!

Why it works

Bicarbonate prevents the development of molds in which dust mites thrive.

Double hit since the baking soda will act on molds and dust mites at the same time!