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Where to Buy Baking Soda Easily?

Where to Buy Baking Soda Easily?

Bicarbonate is convenient to use and inexpensive. But, it is not always easy to get them.

Readers of, you are used to finding it in the various tips.

Whether for home, health, beauty, baking soda is a must.

Here is where you can find it and buy it easily:

Where to Buy Baking Soda Easily?

Where to find the bicarbonate?

- In your supermarkets and large areas (virtually all brands have them today, in the salt and spices department):Leclerc, Carrefour, Cora, Auchan, Leader Price, Intermarché, Aldi, Franprix or even Lidl.

- In organic stores:Naturalia, Biomonde, Biocoop, Les nouvelles Robinson, Bio c'est bon, Satoriz.

- In pharmacies.

- In drugstores.

- In your DIY stores (here too, practically all the brands are there):Brico-dépôt, Bricomarché, Bigmat, Gédimat. You can find it in large packaging more easily.

- If you don't know where to find your magic white powder, read our article here.

- On the Internet.

The convenience of the Internet is that you can shop anytime.

And above all, it's the product that comes to your home (or if you wish, for a slightly lower cost, you can pick it up at a pick-up point).

What packaging?

Where to Buy Baking Soda Easily?

I always bought baking soda in a rectangular cardboard box.

I saw that it can also be packaged in cylindrical plastic boxes, like for salt.

And at what price?

Depending on the store, the prices necessarily differ a little:

- Your bicarbonate is a little more expensive in pharmacies, drugstores or organic stores (around €4.50 to €5 for 500 g).

- It is sold at a reasonable price in DIY stores (around €4.20 to €4.90 for 500 g).

- Where it is the cheapest is still in your supermarkets and on the Internet (in principle around €3.80 to €4 for 500 g as here).

Warning: for a use where you have to ingest the bicarbonate (such as to whiten the teeth for example), prefer food bicarbonate. But for household use or for the swimming pool, a technical bicarbonate is enough.