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My Secret Tip for Removing a Greasy Stain from Clothes!

My Secret Tip for Removing a Greasy Stain from Clothes!

An oil stain on your shirt?

The piece of butter that flows from its slice of bread to land where...

Directly on our most beautiful suit just before leaving for the office!

Unfortunately, I know that.

The problem is that very often, this kind of stain does not go away if you do not apply a stain remover.

Here is a secret trick to recover the possible mistakes that can be made on the clothes because of the fat.

My Secret Tip for Removing a Greasy Stain from Clothes!


- baby powder

- iron

How to

1. Sprinkle the greasy stain with baby powder.

2. Cover the powdered area with a paper towel.

3. And finally, pass the iron over the towel.


There you go, the grease stain on your clothes is gone :-)

Simple, practical and effective!

No trace of your grease stain remains.

Your shirt is like new. And you don't even need to buy a commercial stain remover!

It's more economical that way. Not to mention that it's also more natural.

Why it works

The heat from the iron will evaporate the liquid and allow the powder to absorb the stain.

And presto, voila, as if by magic no more annoying traces!

With this trick, it is now possible to remove stains easily without costing us a laundry.

So to spend less, let's go natural, it's well known. Recipes from grandmothers are the most effective in overcoming this kind of inconvenience.

Your turn...

Have you tried this easy trick to remove a grease stain? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to read you!