Ever tried removing tape from paper?
Then you know it's impossible to do without tearing the sheet...
Too bad when you want to keep an invoice taped to a package for example.
Fortunately, there is a quick and easy trick given to me by a friend who works at the Post Office to stop tearing the paper.
The trick is to pull the tape on each side of the sheet of paper you want to keep . Watch:
1. Lift the tape on each side of the pasted sheet.
2. Now pull the tape hard on each side.
3. Take both ends of tape in one hand.
4. With the other, pull the taped sheet of paper.
There you go, you now know how to remove a taped sheet of paper without tearing it :-)
Easy, fast and efficient, right?
Handy for keeping invoices or other important papers that are taped to a package.
And it's also handy if you stick a piece of paper and realize you've made a mistake.