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How To Clean Your Fondue Pot Effortlessly?

How To Clean Your Fondue Pot Effortlessly?

With the cold comes the time for Savoyard fondues.

What a treat ! The only problem with Savoyarde fondue is cleaning the fondue pot.

Yes, there is always a deposit of cheese at the bottom of the fondue pot.

The grilled cheese sticks well to the bottom of the container. It is very difficult to peel it off and remove it.

If you are a fan of fondue , this trick will help you effortlessly clean your container that contained the cheese. No more washing up!

How To Clean Your Fondue Pot Effortlessly?

How to

1. Once empty, fill the container with cold water.

2. Add a good teaspoon of cooking salt to the water

3. Leave to soak for several hours, or even overnight if necessary.

4. Wash it with dish soap as usual.


There you go, your Savoyard fondue pot is all clean, effortlessly :-)

You now know how to clean the fondue pot of a cheese fondue.

If you want to equip yourself with a fondue set, we recommend this one, very practical.

Want to lighten up this gourmet dish? Use this trick here.

Your turn...

You tried ? Tell us in the comments if it worked well or if you have another good solution.