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Finally, a Pro Tip to NEVER Smudge Paint Again.

Finally, a Pro Tip to NEVER Smudge Paint Again.

I dip the brush.

I wipe the brush on the edge of the pot and hop it runs everywhere...

As a result, the pot is dripping with paint and the floor full of stains.

Not very practical! But that was before knowing this pro tip.

All you need to paint without staining the floor is a rubber band around the pot. Watch:

Finally, a Pro Tip to NEVER Smudge Paint Again.

How to

1. Take a large flat rubber band.

2. Pass it around the open pot, in the direction of the height.

3. Wipe the overflow of paint from your brush onto the rubber band.

And in video, it looks like this:


There you go, now you can paint without putting it everywhere :-)

Easy, fast and economical, right?

It's still cleaner like that than putting stains everywhere.

And above all, no need to remove paint stains from the linoleum!

It's much more convenient.

And it still saves time.

Your turn...

Have you tried this handy trick to avoid paint stains? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to read you!