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How to Measure Without a Meter? The Easy and Convenient Tip.

How to Measure Without a Meter? The Easy and Convenient Tip.

Need to measure something? But no meter handy?

No worries ! I explain how to measure without a tape measure!

It's true that you don't always have a tape measure in your pocket!

So, for example, how do you measure a piece of furniture in a flea market?

Fortunately, I reassure you right away that it is quite possible to measure something without a tape measure.

Just use your fingers, one hand or even your elbow.

Here is the easy and practical trick to quickly estimate a measurement without a meter . Watch:

How to Measure Without a Meter? The Easy and Convenient Tip.

1. With the finger as standard measurement

How to Measure Without a Meter? The Easy and Convenient Tip.

The pro in question uses his index, because he says it's the most convenient. But you have the right to choose the finger you like!

1. At home, measure your index finger with a tape measure:mine is about 7 cm.

No need to be too specific! It's just an indication of length, to within 4 or 5 mm.

2. Memorize this length. Or write it down somewhere if you're afraid you'll forget.

3. When you need to measure an object, you just have to use your finger. Ask it as many times as possible along the length of the object in question.

Remember this number and do a simple calculation.

Just multiply the length of your finger by the number of times you put it down.

You will get an approximate measurement!

For example, I can put 5 times my index on the length of this shelf:


It therefore measures approximately 35 cm. Just enough to cover the radiator in my room!

Also note that the width of the index finger is about 2 cm.

2. With your hand

How to Measure Without a Meter? The Easy and Convenient Tip.

Another possibility that is available to each of us:the hand.

It is also a very practical tool for taking a measurement without a measurer.

In addition, we have 3 possibilities.

- Either we use the palm . We also speak of the palm of the hand.

We consider it to be the same thing. It's actually an ancient unit of measurement. And it is equal to 4 fingers.

In this case, you should know that the palm of the hand measures approximately 7.5 cm.

If you need to measure the circumference of a tree without a tape measure, this may be the best measurement.

- Either the span .

But what is this stuff, you will ask me?

The span is the distance between the tip of the thumb and the tip of the little finger (little finger) when they are spread apart.

It is about 20cm. I'm sure you've seen your grandmother use this measurement before...

Especially when she wants to measure a piece of fabric and she doesn't have her tape measure handy!

- Either we use the whole hand .

How to Measure Without a Meter? The Easy and Convenient Tip.

In this case, we consider the width of the hand:from the end of the palm of the hand to the end of the bent thumb. It represents approximately 10 cm.

Do you know that is the unit used to measure the height of a horse? Surprising, isn't it?

3. With your elbow

How to Measure Without a Meter? The Easy and Convenient Tip.

Another part of your body that is very useful for taking a measurement:the elbow.

From the elbow, we can calculate the cubit .

The cubit is the distance from the tip of the middle finger to the tip of the elbow.

Note that this distance is approximately 45 cm.

And more precisely, 43 cm for women and 47 cm for men.

Convenient for taking larger measurements without a tape measure, such as that of a bed for example!

4. With your legs

How to Measure Without a Meter? The Easy and Convenient Tip.

Do you want to measure a distance or a room without a meter?

So we have to admit it...

It's not practical to measure a distance with your finger, hand or elbow!

Fortunately, you have legs and feet!

Measuring with your legs and feet is just as easy as with your hand or finger.

You just have to remember that a normal stride is on average 65 cm and that a big step is about 1 m.

So if you take 20 long steps, for example, the distance measured is 20 meters.

Simple and practical!

Why does it work?

How to Measure Without a Meter? The Easy and Convenient Tip.

The body serves as a standard for taking a measurement without a meter.

These measurements are universal measurements.

That is to say, they are the same for each of us.

Of course, they can vary by a few millimeters from person to person or from woman to man.

They are not completely accurate.

But overall, they give a good idea of ​​the length of an object.

Will this piece of furniture found in a flea market fit in the small corner of our living room?

Is this piece of fabric large enough for the hall closet?

No need to come back with a tape measure to take the measurement! You already have everything you need with you.

Of course, you can be even more precise by measuring your finger, your cubit, your span at home.

And if you're worried about forgetting these personalized measurements, write them down in your diary or on your smartphone.

Bonus tip

How to Measure Without a Meter? The Easy and Convenient Tip.

Another clever trick is to measure the length and width of a bill and keep the measurements.

Do you have a ticket in your pocket?

You will then use it to measure an object.

And if you need a tape measure to take more precise measurements, I recommend this one, which is solid, practical and inexpensive.

Your turn...

Have you tried these grandma's tricks to easily measure without a tape measure? Let us know in the comments if it worked. We can't wait to read you!