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How to Peel Off Exterior Moss Naturally with Citric Acid?

How to Peel Off Exterior Moss Naturally with Citric Acid?

You have noticed how moss tends to build up on your walls , roofs and exterior floors?

It is sometimes difficult to find the right product to take it off its supports and above all, without spending too much money.

Because, very often, these products are expensive.

Here is a little natural recipe to get rid of it:

Citric Acid, Bicarbonate and Essential Castor Oil

How to Peel Off Exterior Moss Naturally with Citric Acid?

- In 5 liters of water, mix 2 tablespoons of citric acid, 2 tablespoons of sodium bicarbonate and ten drops of castor essential oil.

- Put this mixture in a spray bottle.

- Spray it on your stubborn mosses. Three days (without rain) later, pass the water jet to take off the foam that will have dried under the effect of the product.

Note :It is advisable to protect hands and avoid contact with eyes because, although not toxic, citric acid is irritating. But, very effective!

And you, what are your tips for removing moss from your exteriors? Leave us a comment!