Remove the faceplates from the walls you will be working with and cover the outlets with electrical tape to protect them from liquids. Also put down a drop cloth to protect the carpet or floors.
Use a wallpaper piercing tool (Image 1) such as the "Paper Tiger" which is a roller with small spikes that will pierce the paper (Image 2). This will allow the solvent to get behind the paper and dissolve the adhesive more easily. Be careful not to press too hard so as not to puncture the wall surface. If this happens accidentally, you will need to fill in the indentations with a spreading compound.
Apply the gel or other commercial solvent with a brush, giving it some time to soak in and loosen the wallpaper (the label should specify how long). A less expensive solvent option is warm water mixed with a few tablespoons of vinegar in a spray bottle.
After the solvent has a chance to penetrate, begin removal work at a seam or the edge of a hole, scraping with a wallpaper scraping tool, plastic putty knife, or drywall knife. Keep applying the solvent and keep scraping until the wallpaper is removed.