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Salt:5 Ways to Use It Other than for Salting!

Salt:5 Ways to Use It Other than for Salting!

If you only use salt for salting then you absolutely must read this trick! Essential product since the dawn of time, salt has amazing virtues. Here are the 5 benefits of salt that will prove to you that it does not always end up on a plate

The virtues of salt are numerous and often unsuspected. Desiccant, preservative, antiseptic, it also slows down fermentation, fixes water in our body, stimulates appetite, regulates blood pressure.

Discover 5 essential and really economical salt-based tips. If after that, you only use the salt for salting, I'll eat my salt shaker!

1. Salt is also used to clean

Whether it is to clean my carpet and revive its colors, or to restore the shine to my household utensils or even to my bathtub, salt is effective and very economical.

2. Salt, my Wellness Remedy

A salt bath can help relieve rheumatism :for this, dissolve 2 kg of coarse salt in the bathtub filled with very hot water, and immerse yourself in it for 15 min. To be done twice a week.

A salt bath also has an anti-fatigue effect (in this case, 500 gr of salt will suffice).

Another effect due to its antiseptic powers, you can use it as a gargle or poultice in case of sore throat.

3. Salt-Based Beauty Treatments!

You can use salt to lighten your hair by mixing it with lemon juice .

Another beauty gesture to do with salt:a scrub for very soft skin, after mixing coarse salt with kiwi and honey .

4. Salt, A Powerful Preservative!

Putting a pinch of salt in the water of your cut flowers will allow you to keep them twice as long .

But you can also keep your food (meat, fish) , using this very old technique of salting:a good way to help you out if your fridge is out of order or if you are camping!

5. To Remove Stains, I Dirty My Clothes

It works very well against red wine stains, but also against rust stains:first rub with salt, and complete with lemon juice and Marseille soap. Guaranteed results!

You have understood that salt is not only used to season your food:it has many other possibilities. Do you have others to submit to us? Feel free to put a little comment here.