Do you usually throw away potato peelings?
I admit, me too...until my grandmother taught me how to use potato peelings.
Because potato peelings are full of iron, calcium, potassium and they are rich in fiber.
You will be surprised to see that they can be very useful in the house, the garden and even as a beauty product!
For all of these amazing uses, we highly recommend using organic potatoes.
We have selected for you the 12 best ways to use potato peelings to never throw them away . Watch:
Does that surprise you? Me too at first. But you will see that it is delicious.
By the way, you may have noticed that even some restaurants are starting to serve it too.
But nothing better than making it at home! Discover here the delicious crisps recipe with potato peelings.
For cleaning and shining stainless steel objects , rub them with the inside of the potato peelings.
Does it seem weird to you? And yet it really works! You will be surprised at the result. The stainless steel will be like new!
To discover: The Natural Tip To Clean And Shine Chrome.
Does your frying oil no longer smell very good? No need to throw it away right away.
Wait, because it can be used again.
Just heat some oil and put the potato peelings in it.
Cook for 5 minutes and filter the oil with a strainer. Your oil is now clean and purified .
And the bad smells are gone. You can use it again to make crispy fries.
To treat a small burn quickly , place a potato peel on the inside, on the wound.
Fix it with a piece of plaster and remember to change the peel regularly.
Good to know:the thicker the potato peel, the more effective this trick is.
To discover: 9 Remedies to Relieve Minor Burns.
Yes, you can grow potatoes using already sprouted potato peelings .
Try planting sprouted peelings and you'll have great potatoes!
To discover: 4 Simple Steps To Grow 45 kg Potatoes in a Barrel!
Potato peelings are rich in iron, calcium and potassium . Your plants will love them!
For better growth, bury the potato peelings at the base of the plants.
To discover: 5 Natural and Free Fertilizers For Super Healthy Plants.
The starch in potato peelings relieves small burns and sunburn .
To do this, simply apply the inside of the peelings to the area to be treated to calm them.
To discover: 12 Surprising Tricks to Relieve Your Sunburn.
To remove unsightly dark circles , nothing beats a potato peel.
Apply the inside of the peel under the eyes and leave on for at least 10 min.
Repeat the operation as often as necessary to reduce the dark circles under your eyes.
It also works for the bags under the eyes that you can sometimes have when you wake up.
To discover: My Top 8 Concealer Tips Tried and Approved!
Potato peelings can do wonders for your face!
An ugly button invited itself on your face?
Apply the inside of a potato skin and leave on for 5 min.
By applying this remedy regularly, you can reduce sebum secretion which causes acne pimples and oily skin.
To discover: 11 Natural Recipes Formidably Effective Against Acne.
Instead of throwing cooked potato peelings in the trash, know that you can give them to your pets.
This is true for chickens as well as rabbits ... and for many other farm animals.
To do this, simply mix the peelings with other foods to make a good nutritious meal that your pets will love.
To discover: 6 Simple Tricks To Feed Your Chickens WITHOUT BRINGING YOURSELF.
Want your hair to grow faster ? Collect and clean the potato peelings.
Put these cleaned peelings in a blender to extract the juice.
This juice is a powerful, nutrient-dense liquid that can help strengthen your hair and make it grow faster.
To do this, apply this juice directly to your hair and massage your scalp for 5 minutes.
Leave on for 15 minutes, wash as usual and rinse.
To discover: 12 Home Remedies To Make Hair Grow Faster.
If you're making a recipe that requires skinning the potatoes, keep the peelings in a freezer bag and put them in the freezer for later.
These peelings will come in handy if you make a good soup.
Indeed, they are rich in antioxidants and in addition they give taste and consistency to the soup.
We found a new use for these peelings that no one knows about.
Did you know that you can also make dishwashing liquid with ?
Sounds amazing, right?
And yet, it is true! Here is the quick and easy recipe.