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What to do with green manures?

The green manures that have been sown in the vegetable garden will be mowed as soon as there is no space for the cultivation of other plants.

In any case, green manures must be mowed before the rise to seed. Mowed and left in place until dry. Then we can bury them. They can also be composted or used as mulch elsewhere.

It is not necessarily necessary to turn the land after mowing if the latter is short and the residues are removed. A scraping to loosen the soil is sufficient. In no case do we remove the roots which by decomposing will provide humus, and a great source of nitrogen in the case of legumes (clover, alfalfa, sainfoin…)

The important thing is that the earth is never bare and that we return what was taken from him. Exports due to harvests must be offset by fertilizer inputs. Organic, mineral and natural, as it should be.

What to do with green manures?

Meadow red clover, Trifolium pratens