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Why Invest in a Wood Pellet Boiler?

Why Invest in a Wood Pellet Boiler?

We are coming back more and more to wood heating, which is more economical and ecological than other fuels. The novelty among the boilers is the one that works with wood pellets, an investment that is quickly repaid.

How does it work?

There are no big differences between your classic boiler, fueled by gas or oil, and those using pellets. The operation is therefore as simple .

What changes, it is the product that allows the operation of the boiler, wood pellets that cost relatively less than the other two.

A Silo

To install a pellet boiler , it is better to have a little space because you will need to install a silo on a floor area of ​​about 5 m2 in which you will place the pellets.

Then, from this reserve, the shape of the pellets, very small and therefore closer to a fluid than logs of wood, will allowautomatic and continuous feeding . A worm screw system for most boilers, or suction (a little more expensive but more practical because the silo can be remote) for some allows this supply. Now all you have to do is refill the silo from time to time.

Heating and Hot Water

The pellets (wood pellets) will produce heat which will then be transmitted to a fluid such as water, for example, supplying the heating circuit. You can also add a hot water tank to the circuit, which allows your boiler to heat the house but also to produce hot water.

And cleaning?

What is practical in the operation of some boilers is the cleaning system implemented by manufacturers. The evacuation of the ashes can therefore be automatic or if you prefer manual. In this case, it must be done every month.

The Granulux boiler, for example, is equipped with this automatic system and a container to collect the ashes , which needs to be emptied only 2-3 times a year. Thanks to this little extra, you no longer need to turn off your boiler to clean it. This will happen automatically every 6 hours.

An automatic cleaning system for turbulators and burners is also installed on these boilers. It's very practical because you have almost nothing to do in terms of maintenance, other than emptying the ashes and filling the sillo with pellets.

A Quickly Amortized Investment

The price of a Granulux boiler is €12,200 for the smallest and €16,200 for the largest.

This significant investment is quickly repaid because the price of pellets is around 200 € per ton against more than 350 € for an equivalent energy in fuel oil.

Replacing your old boiler with a pellet boiler can be done very simply on the sole condition of being equipped with a central heating circuit and having a little space for the silo.

Do you have a wood pellet boiler in your home? What do you think? Tell us in the comments.

Savings Achieved

The purchase price of a wood pellet boiler is more expensive than a conventional boiler, but you recover your investment in the long term. The price of pellets is much cheaper than gas or oil.

In addition, maintenance and cleaning require less intervention on your part as well as that of technicians, which represents a great saving.

So you can save up to -50% on your bill.

In the municipalities, there is an information space on energy, in which you can find out about a possible subsidy from the region, the department or the Anah (national housing improvement agency).

Under certain conditions, you can also benefit from a tax credit up to 36% of the price of the equipment, amount that will be paid on your tax return, whether you are taxable or not.